Top 50 Quotes From Juliet Landau

Drusilla: [to Angel] You've been a very bad daddy.

Drusilla: [as The First] Do you know why you're alive?
Spike: Never figured you for existential thought, luv. I mean, you hated Paris.
Drusilla: [as The First] You're alive for one reason, and one reason only. Because I wish it. Do you know why I wish it? Because I'm not done with you.
Spike: Give it up. Whatever you are, whatever you get away with, I'm out. You can't pull this puppet's strings any more.
Drusilla: [as The First] And what makes you think you have a choice? What makes *you* think you will ever be any good at *all* in this world?
Spike: She does... Because she believes in me.

[last lines]
Warren: [as The First] Of course she won't understand, Sparky. I'm beyond her understanding. She's a girl with sugar and spice and everything useless, unless you're baking. I'm more than that. More than flesh...
[morphs into Glory]
Glory: [as The First] ... More than blood. I'm... You know, I honestly don't think there's a human word fabulous enough for me. Oh, my name will be on everyone's lips, assuming their lips haven't been torn off. But not just yet. That's alright, though...
[morphs into Adam]
Adam: [as The First] ... I can be patient. Everything is well within parameters... She's exactly where I want her to be... and so are you, Number 17. You're right where you belong...
[morphs into the Mayor]
Mayor: [as The First] ... So what'd ya think? You'd get your soul back and everything'd be Jim-Dandy? Soul's slipperier than a greased weasel. Why do you think I sold mine?
Mayor: Well, you probably thought that you'd be your own man, and I respect that...
[morphs into Drusilla]
Drusilla: [as The First] ... But you never will. You'll always be mine. You'll always be in the dark with me... singing our little songs. You like our little songs, don't you? You've always liked them. Right from the beginning. And that's where we're going...
[morphs into the Master]
The: [as The First] ... Right back to the beginning. Not the Bang. Not the Word. The true beginning. The next few months are going to be quite a ride, and I think we're all going to learn something about ourselves in the process. You'll learn you're a pathetic schmuck, if it hasn't sunk in already. Look at you, trying to do what's right, just like her. You still don't get it. It's not about right. Not about wrong...
[morphs into Buffy]
Buffy: [as The First] ... It's about power.

Drusilla: Why, Angel... where have you been? The sun is almost up and it can be so hurtful. We were worried.
Spike: No, we weren't.
Drusilla: You must forgive Spike. He's just a bit testy tonight. Doesn't get out much anymore.
Angelus: [entering] Well, maybe next time I'll bring you with me, Spike. It might be handy to have you around if I ever need a really good parking space.

Drusilla: [to a dead bird] I'll give you a seed if you sing.
Spike: The bird's dead, Dru. You left it in a cage and you didn't feed it and now it's all dead, just like the last one.

- Who's there?
Drusilla: A happy memory, pretty Spike.
- Look who's come to make everything right again.

Drusilla: You don't wanna kill her, do you? You want to hurt her... just like you hurt me.
Angelus: Nobody knows me like you do, Dru.
Spike: She'd better not get in our way.
Angelus: Don't worry about it.
Spike: I do.
Angelus: Spike... my boy! *You really don't get it*, do you? You tried to kill her, but you couldn't. Look at you, you're a wreck. She's stronger than any Slayer you've ever faced. Force won't get it done. You gotta work from the inside. To kill this girl... you have to love her.

Lex: You're making a big mistake.
Dr. Polaris: [slugging him] Gotta be the Martian.
Sinestro: I say we torture him until he reverts to his true form.
Lex: It's me, Luthor. Dr. Fate switched my mind, but I'm back now.
Tala: It may be true.
Dr. Polaris: That doesn't matter. I'm running things from now on.
Lex: [chuckling] Oh, don't kid yourself, Polaris.
Dr. Polaris: Whether you're just a lookalike or the real thing, I'd hate to be you about now.
[using his powers, he pulls metal out of the ceiling and aims the shards at Lex; as Lex taps a button on his belt, the shards turn around and wrap around Polaris]
Lex: That's how you know I'm Luthor. When I augmented your powers, I also made sure I can override your abilities. Would anyone else care to try me?

Felix: So very kind of you to trap me in this mirror for all eternity.
Tala: Beats the alternative.
Felix: True enough.

Drusilla: Maybe I'll sleep underground. Dig myself a little burrow.
Spike: What about your pretty dress, sweet? It'll get all dirty.
Drusilla: Then I'll sleep naked. Like the animals do.
Angelus: You know, I'm suddenly liking this plan.

Tala: Lex, you don't look at all well
Lex: [out of breath] Yeah, I'm just a little wind - Did you say, "Lex"?
Rampage: ...Psycho.

[Yorkshire, 1880. Angelus and Spike are about to trade blows]
Darla: I think our boys are going to fight.
Drusilla: The King of Cups expects a picnic
Drusilla: but this is not his birthday.
Darla: Good point.

Deadshot: I thought he was gonna wet himself when you mentioned the Martian. He couldn't let us through fast enough.
Plastique: That's nothin'. I almost lost it when this bonehead set off the metal-detector.
Captain: Seventy-five cents is seventy-five cents. I'm supposed to throw away money?

Drusilla: Your face is a poem. I can read it.
Xander: Really? It doesn't say "spare me" by any chance?
Drusilla: Shhh... How do you feel about eternal life?
Xander: We couldn't just start with a coffee? A movie, maybe?

Catherine: My son. You've been so brave.
James: I have no fear.
Catherine: You will. The wives will be stronger.
James: It's an honor to be chosen defender.
Catherine: An honor and a curse for this family. Regardless, it is our sacred duty. Be vigilant. Never let your guard down. Send a warning. Show them our strength. Be ruthless and destroy them before they destroy us.
James: I will.
James: I promise.

Gorilla: It must pain you to see me like this, after what we've been to one another.
Tala: My taste in boyfriends has evolved.

[last lines]
[Angelus wants to go hunting before sunrise with Drusilla]
Drusilla: [to Spike] Want to come pet?
Angelus: No can do, Dru. I'm sure he'd be hell on wheels, but we don't have much time. Gotta travel light.
[Angelus gets in Spike's face]
Angelus: Sorry. Try to have fun without me.
[Angelus and Drusilla leave and Spike smiles]
Spike: Oh, I will.
[Spike rises from his wheelchair and kicks it away]
Spike: Sooner than you think.

Lex: You, uh, evil head guy.
Evil: Yeah?
Lex: Tell me your part in this plan.
Evil: I don't have a part in this plan.
Lex: Exactly. Pop quiz. Everyone tell me their part in the plan.
Dr. Polaris: Well, here's the way you gave it to us, this morning. The recently reunited country of Kaznia has gone democratic and is joining the European Union.
Sinestro: As such, they're switching their currency from Kaznian crowns to euros. In a few hours, nearly 100 million newly minted euros are being brought in to the Kaznian treasury.
Tala: So, while Dr. Poaris and Sinestro take the point, darling, you and I are in a transport nearby.
Dr. Polaris: It's a simple smash-and-grab. It's also gonna be the largest single robbery in history.
Lex: Whoa. I mean, Lex Luthor is pleased. Carry on.

Drusilla: [about her favorite doll Miss Edith] Miss Edith speaks out of turn. She's a bad example and will have no cakes today.

Amanda: You really think we can do something with this?
Tala: An invulnerable juggernaut forged by the gods? Oh yes, Ms. Waller, most definitely.

Drusilla: Spike? I'm cold.
Spike: I got you.
[puts his jacket around her]
Drusilla: I'm a princess.
Spike: That's what you are.

[mopping Giles' brow with a damp cloth, who's very weak from Angelus' torture]
Drusilla: Is that better...? Hm...? Poor thing... Let's see what's inside... Of course... Look at me... Be... in me... Mmm... See with your heart.
[Giles sees Jenny but it is really Drusilla]
Rupert: Jenny... I thought I'd lost you.
Jenny: Shh... I'll never leave you.
Rupert: We have to get out of here.
Jenny: No, no, no, no, no. Slowly.
Rupert: It can't be you.
Jenny: Did you tell Angel...? About the ritual?
Rupert: No... We have to get him... away from Acathla.
Jenny: Why? Is he close to figuring it out?
Rupert: Later.
Jenny: Tell me what to do... It's alright... We'll be together... Finally. We'll have everything we never got to have... Never got to feel... Just tell me what to do.
Rupert: We have to get Angel away from Acathla.
Jenny: Angel himself...? He's the key?
Rupert: His... his blood. He mustn't...
Jenny: Shhh.
Angelus: Blood. Of course. The blood on my hands must be my own. I am the key that'll open up the door. My blood. My life...
[to Spike]
Angelus: Okay, kill him.
Spike: Yeah, but what if he's lying?
Angelus: Yeah. Good point. All right, don't kill him. You know, I kinda like having you watch my back. Kinda like old times.
[Drusilla and Giles are still kissing]
Spike: Er, Drusilla?
Angelus: [to Drusilla] Honey.
Spike: We are finished here, ducks.
[Drusilla looks at Angelus and Spike]
Drusilla: Sorry. I was in the moment.

Harmony: You've got some nerve showing up here like this. After all this time. After breaking my sweet Boo-Boo's heart!
Drusilla: [silently, to Spike] Boo-Boo?

Grodd: Come to gloat at me again? I'm not some monkey in a zoo, throwing...
Tala: Shh. Listen. I've been very, very bad. I backed the wrong pony. It should have been you.
Grodd: Oh. You finally sussed it out. That hairless sweetheart of yours isn't a leader. He's a thug.
Tala: And how. I don't like to compete for Lex with a dead computer. I want you to be my man in charge, like before. So... baby, what do you want?
Grodd: Why, only you, my dear. And Luthor's fat head on a plate.

Deadman: Rama Kushna. Just like you to show up too late to help.
Rama: Your impertinence is refreshing as always. But have a care. The gods are capricious.
Deadman: What do you want from me? The master is dead. They're all dead.
Rama: Do not presume to lecture me on the nature of reality. The monks have not yet passed from this plane.
Deadman: They're in some kind of coma?
Rama: That is as close to the truth as you are capable of comprehending. You must retrieve the heart of Nanda Parbat, or they will remain in their current state for all time. I have spoken.
Deadman: [she vanishes] How the heck am I supposed to do that?

[first lines]
James: [to himself] Come on, Mom! She's always late.
Drusilla: Are you lost?
James: No. My mom's just supposed to pick me up , is all.
Drusilla: Do you want me to walk you home?
James: No, thank you.
Drusilla: My mummy used to sing me to sleep at night. Run and catch the lamb is caught in the blackberry patch. She had the sweetest voice... What will you mummy sing when they find your body?
James: I'm not supposed to talk to people.
Drusilla: Oh. Well, I'm not a person, see? So that's just...
Angel: [to boy] Run home.

Lex: It's no good. There isn't enough. The last remnant of Brainiac, but there isn't enough to work with.
Brainiac: Perhaps if you constructed a positronic event chamber?
Lex: Yes. Yes, that could work. But where would I get the money? Between the government freezing my assets and the cost of running this secret society...
Tala: [Sonar enters] He's talking to his imaginary friend again.
Brainiac: You're a resourceful human, Luthor. I'm sure you'll find a way.

Deadshot: Uh, excuse me, Mr. Lantern? For six weeks now, my wife's been after me for Hawkgirl's autograph. You wouldn't know where she's at today, would you?
John: [stonily] Haven't seen her.
Deadshot: Okay. Thanks anyway.
[Green Lantern leaves the elevator]
Plastique: You are a veeery bad boy.
Deadshot: Tell me you didn't love it.

James: Lara is beginning to question our mission. I can't control her anymore.
Catherine: She's 16, which means she's at a vulnerable stage. The Devil will take notice of her now.
James: What do I do?
Catherine: My poor noble James, you'll have to strike first if you want to save those you love.

Tala: [kneeling before Grodd] I have done as you ask, Lord Grodd.
Lex: Get off your knees, woman.
Tala: Not until my master says so.
Gorilla: Excellent work, my dear. You may rise.
Lex: [she gets to her feet] You're pathetic. Debasing yourself like that.
Tala: I owe Grodd everything. I would still be trapped in that mirror if he hadn't freed me.
Devil: When Giganta gets out of prison, she ain't gonna appreciate you hangin' onto her boyfriend like that.
Tala: That's her problem. Giganta's not nearly enough woman for Grodd.
Gorilla: True.
Lex: If you're quite finished demonstrating what an alpha male you are, maybe you'd care to explain what you intend to do with that thing.
Gorilla: Already told you, but you won't accept it. You don't believe in magic.
Lex: It's not a matter of belief. I'm just unaccustomed to working with something I don't fully understand.
Gorilla: As long as the amplifier you built for me works...
Lex: It does.
Gorilla: Then consider this an exotic power source. You don't need to understand anything more.

Rick Flagg Jr.: Okay, Plastique, you're setting the charge, and Superman walks in the room.
Plastique: You said he wouldn't be there!
Rick Flagg Jr.: Last-minute change in the duty roster. Superman's got the drop on you, what do you do?
Plastique: Before or after I change my shorts?

Rama: Boston Brand, your actions have led to the death of another.
Deadman: I'm sorry. I... I didn't mean to...
Rama: Intentions are immaterial. You were gifted with power to be used to balance the scales of karma. Because of your actions, the scale now is unbalanced.
Deadman: Unbalanced? Thanks to Devil Ray and his team, the master and all the other monks are dead.
Rama: Incorrect. When the heart was shattered, the essences of the monks were set free. Even now, their souls return to their rightful places.
Monk: [Deadman watches as he wakes with the other monks] No one dies in Nanda Parbat. But the scales are unbalanced. Your work in this world is not yet done.

Drusilla: Do you like daisies? I plant them but they always die. Everything I put in the ground withers and dies.

James: I murdered an innocent.
Catherine: Even white knights have their dark days. You're a vanishing breed, James. My son, a hero from a different time. Only one wife remains. I'm sure of it. If you don't kill her, who will?
James: No one.
Catherine: Kill her.
Catherine: Kill her.

[first lines]
Catherine: [reads a book to James] And so, the white knight opened the door and saw more gold and jewels than he could ever imagine. The wizard said, 'Give me the princess and you shall have all the riches in the world.' The white knight gazed upon the wizard and saw it was the Devil, who had already banished the villagers' wives. I said, 'Give me the princess.' 'Never,' he cried, and slayed the Devil with his spear.
[looks at the people coming in]
Catherine: Look after your sister.

Drusilla: [giving Spike a puppy] Her owner died... without a fight. Do you like her? Hm? I brought her specially for you, to cheer you up. And I've named her... Sunshine!

Lex: Rampage, what's wrong with you?
Tala: [using her powers] She has been possessed.
[conjuring two circular bands]
Tala: Out, undead spirit!
Rampage: [regaining her bearings as Deadman is forced out of her] What just happened?

[last lines]
Spike: How's the Annoying One?
Drusilla: He doesn't wanna play.
Spike: It figures. Well, I suppose I'd better go make nice.
[He walks over to the Anointed One and kneels before him]
The: You failed.
Spike: I, um... I offer penance.
Vampire: Penance? You should lay down your life! Our numbers are depleted. The Feast of St. Vigeous has been ruined by your impatience!
Spike: I was rash... And if I had to do it all over again...
Spike: Who am I kidding? I would do it exactly the same, only I'd do this...
[grabs the Anointed One]
The: No!
Spike: ...first!
[Spike sticks The Anointed One in the nearby cage and starts pulling a chain, lifting the cage up from the floor]
Spike: From now on, we're gonna have a little less ritual... and a little more fun around here.
[the cage is lifted into the sunlight. The Anointed One screams as he dies]
Spike: Let's see what's on TV.

Tala: Trapped like a rat. It's very weird; you were never so much fun when we were together.
[as she fires a blast of magic, it rebounds back onto her]
Lex: [removing a talisman from his jacket] You wouldn't believe what this cost me.

[London, 1880 and Spike is human and meets Drusilla]
Drusilla: And I wonder what possible catastrophe came crashing down from heaven and brought this dashing stranger to tears?
William: Nothing. I wish to be alone.
Drusilla: Oh, I see you. A man surrounded by fools who cannot see his strength, his vision... his glory... That, and burning baby fish swimming all around your head.
William: Uh, that-that's quite close enough. I've heard tales of London pickpockets. You'll not be getting my purse, I tell you.
Drusilla: Don't need a purse. Your wealth lies here...
[points to heart]
Drusilla: and here.
[points to head]
Drusilla: in the spirit and... imagination. You walk in worlds the others can't begin to imagine.
William: Oh, yes...! Uh, I mean no. I mean... Uh, Mother's expecting me.
Drusilla: I see what you want. Something glowing and glistening... something... effulgent.
William: [whispers] Effulgent.
[Drusilla turns vampire and bites him]

[Drusilla is torturing Angel]
Drusilla: Say "uncle..." Ooh, that's right. You killed my uncle.

[flashback to 1860 before Drusilla has been turned into a vampire, she enters a confessional, not knowing that Angelus has killed the priest and taken his place]
Drusilla: Me mum says I'm cursed. My seeing things is an affront to the Lord. That only He's supposed to see anything before it happens. But I don't mean to, Father, I swear! I swear! I try to be pure in His sight. I don't want to be an evil thing.
Angelus: Ah, hush, child. The Lord has a plan for all creatures. Even a devil child like you.
Drusilla: A devil?
Angelus: Yes, you're a spawn of Satan. All the Hail Mary's in the world aren't going to help. The Lord will use you and smite you down. He's like that.
Drusilla: What can I do?
Angelus: Fulfill His plan, child. Be evil. Just give in.
Drusilla: No! I want to be good. I want to be pure.
Angelus: We all do, at first. World doesn't work that way.
Drusilla: Father... I beg you. Please... please, help me.
Angelus: Very well. Ten Our Fathers and an act of contrition. Does that sound good?
Drusilla: Yes. Yes, Father, thank you.
Angelus: The pleasure was mine. And, my child...
Drusilla: Yes?
Angelus: God is watching you.

Zatanna: [speaking backwards] Lleh fo enorht eht no stis tsuaf! Tsol si lla!
["All is lost! Faust sits on the throne of Hell!"]

Drusilla: We're going to destroy the world. Want to come?
Angelus: Yeah, destroying the world. Great. I'm really more interested in the Slayer.
Spike: Well, she's *in* the world, so that should work out.

Drusilla: Say uncle. Oh that's right, you killed my uncle.

Spike: Me and Dru, we're movin' in... Now... Any of you wanna test who's got the biggest wrinklies 'round here... step on up.
[to The Anointed One]
Spike: I'll do your Slayer for you. But you keep your flunkies from tryin' anything behind my back. Deal?
[the Anointed One nods]
Drusilla: I can't see her. The Slayer. I can't see. It's dark where she is. Kill her. Kill her, Spike. Kill her for me?
Spike: It's done, baby.
Drusilla: Kill her for Princess?
Spike: I'll chop her into messes.

Rick Flagg Jr.: Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot, meet Task Force X. George Harkness, AKA Captain Boomerang, expert thief and inventor. Temple Fugate, the Clock King; planner, tactician, expert with locks and systems infiltration. And Bette Sans Souci, current alias Plastique, explosives expert.
Deadshot: Mmm. I know. I've seen the pictures.
Plastique: And that's all you're gonna see, killer.

Drusilla: Oh, Spike.
- Look at the wonderful mess you've made.
- That's a slayer you've done in.
- Naughty, wicked Spike.

Drusilla: Do you love my insides? The parts you can't see?
Spike: Eyeballs to entrails, my sweet. That's why I've got to study this Slayer. Once I know her, I can kill her. And once I kill her, you can have your run of Sunnyhell and get strong again.
Drusilla: Don't worry. Everything's switching. Outside to inside.

Gorilla: Ah, Tala, my old groupie. I so miss bending you to my will.
Tala: Go eat a banana. Lex is my man now.
[Leaves with Lex]
Gorilla: If you say so.