The Best Plastique Quotes

Captain: It's a blooming fortress crawling with superheroes. Even if we do get in, what chance do we have?
Deadshot: That's what I'd like to know.
Plastique: Yeah, you got that right.
Rick Flagg Jr.: Listen to me; we've got one advantage: this tower's so big and there's so much staff on it, no one's going to notice us. Unless one of you does something stupid. Once we're aboard, Plastique and Deadshot will make their way down to the Watchtower reactor, where Plastique will create a diversion.
Plastique: Blow up a nuclear reactor? Sweet.
Deadshot: Do I just watch, or do I get to join in?
Rick Flagg Jr.: You're there to provide cover, and that's all.

Rick Flagg Jr.: Okay, Plastique, you're setting the charge, and Superman walks in the room.
Plastique: You said he wouldn't be there!
Rick Flagg Jr.: Last-minute change in the duty roster. Superman's got the drop on you, what do you do?
Plastique: Before or after I change my shorts?

Plastique: [Running to the Transport Pad with Task Force X] Oops.
Vigilante: [Drawing his guns] I reckon you boys have a good explanation for what you're doing on "A" Deck.
Shining: 'Tis more likely that these Varlets are the source of our woes.
Rick Flagg Jr.: Can't slip anything past you. Take 'em down.
[the Annihilator attacks]

Deadshot: I thought he was gonna wet himself when you mentioned the Martian. He couldn't let us through fast enough.
Plastique: That's nothin'. I almost lost it when this bonehead set off the metal-detector.
Captain: Seventy-five cents is seventy-five cents. I'm supposed to throw away money?

Rick Flagg Jr.: Floyd Lawton, AKA Deadshot, meet Task Force X. George Harkness, AKA Captain Boomerang, expert thief and inventor. Temple Fugate, the Clock King; planner, tactician, expert with locks and systems infiltration. And Bette Sans Souci, current alias Plastique, explosives expert.
Deadshot: Mmm. I know. I've seen the pictures.
Plastique: And that's all you're gonna see, killer.

The: Just three major obstacles. First, Captain Atom. His abilities include flight, super-strength, and absorption of radioactivity. Green Lantern; his power ring enables him to create objects by thinking about them. Then there's J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter.
Plastique: What about him?
The: Super-strength, flight.
Deadshot: And he's a shape-shifter, and he can read minds. I've run into him before.
Captain: Heh! The chair's startin' to look better every minute.

Deadshot: Uh, excuse me, Mr. Lantern? For six weeks now, my wife's been after me for Hawkgirl's autograph. You wouldn't know where she's at today, would you?
John: [stonily] Haven't seen her.
Deadshot: Okay. Thanks anyway.
[Green Lantern leaves the elevator]
Plastique: You are a veeery bad boy.
Deadshot: Tell me you didn't love it.