The Best Temple Fugate Quotes

Batman: I'm here to clean your clock, Fugate!
Temple: Don't count on it, Batman. When it comes to clocks, I am king. En garde!

Batman: Stop this, Fugate! Hill committed no crime against you!
Temple: He did worse than that! He made me late!

Temple: Good morning, Hill.
Mayor: [looking up from his paper] Oh. Good morning, uh...
Temple: Fugate. Temple Fugate? I should think you'd remember the name by now, counselor. We've only been taking the same train every day for...
[checking his watch]
Temple: year, seven months, and 13 days.

Temple: 6:15, sir. Time for breakfast. I've also brought you your medicine and the timer so you can take your pills on schedule.
Dr. Wataki: You think of everything, don't you, Harold?
Temple: It is my job, sir.

Mayor: Look, Fugate, why don't you just take some time off? I mean, surely you can work it into your program, can't you?
Temple: Yes... I suppose I can...
Mayor: Take my advice, and try it. It'll change your life...