The Best Dr. Wataki Quotes

The: What are you doing in my room?
Dr. Wataki: I-I called for you, but got no answer. I thought something might be wrong.
The: There is something wrong, old man.
Dr. Wataki: [seeing the time device on his waistband] Why are you wearing that?
The: I'm afraid I haven't been altogether candid with you.
Dr. Wataki: What... what are you going to do?
The: You'll find out, my good doctor. All in good time.

Temple: 6:15, sir. Time for breakfast. I've also brought you your medicine and the timer so you can take your pills on schedule.
Dr. Wataki: You think of everything, don't you, Harold?
Temple: It is my job, sir.

Dr. Wataki: He was the one person in the world I trusted. Is it any wonder I prefer being a recluse?
Batman: What else did he say, Dr. Wakati?
Dr. Wataki: He was babbling, said something about the mayor. About how he was finally going to get his day in court.
Batman: Day in court?
Batman: The new courthouse. The mayor's dedicating it today at 10:00.
Robin: [glancing at a clock on the wall] That's two minutes from now. We'd better call the cops and...
Dr. Wataki: You can't. I have no phones.
[Batman takes one out of his utility belt]
Dr. Wataki: Your phone won't work, Batman. This area is a dead zone. I chose it so my experiments would be free of electromagnetic interference.
Robin: It'll take at least a half-hour for us to make it back on the bikes.
Batman: [picking up two devices from the table] You have 30 seconds to show us how to use these.

Batman: It's a shame that you've decided to keep this device a secret.
Dr. Wataki: It would seem that the world is not quite ready for it yet.
Robin: Gee, that's too bad for Fugate. I'm sure he'll wish he had something to make the days pass quicker where he's going.