The Best The Clock King Quotes

The: A trial run, and it went like clockwork.
[casually throwing the priceless timepiece away]
The: Hmm. Got one.

The: What are you doing in my room?
Dr. Wataki: I-I called for you, but got no answer. I thought something might be wrong.
The: There is something wrong, old man.
Dr. Wataki: [seeing the time device on his waistband] Why are you wearing that?
The: I'm afraid I haven't been altogether candid with you.
Dr. Wataki: What... what are you going to do?
The: You'll find out, my good doctor. All in good time.

The: Just three major obstacles. First, Captain Atom. His abilities include flight, super-strength, and absorption of radioactivity. Green Lantern; his power ring enables him to create objects by thinking about them. Then there's J'onn J'onzz, the Martian Manhunter.
Plastique: What about him?
The: Super-strength, flight.
Deadshot: And he's a shape-shifter, and he can read minds. I've run into him before.
Captain: Heh! The chair's startin' to look better every minute.

The: Even if you could climb the building, you won't be leaving this way, Mr. Mayor. I've waited a long time for this.
Mayor: Please, Fugate, don't hurt me.
The: If it's any comfort, my revenge will encompass more than just you. I intend to pass a most timely sentence on the entire judicial system.

[the Clock King suddenly enters Hill's office]
Mayor: You! But how did you get past...
The: Good evening, Mayor! Nice to see you again too. And whose life are you ruining now? A poor pensioner? A malnourished orphan, perhaps?

Captain: Ah, so we'll make our way there, pretty as you please, then maybe a picnic lunch and the Justice League will give us a ride home. We may as well be storming Heaven's Gate itself.
The: Unlike Heaven, this tower has a duty roster. One I've studied thoroughly. I've scheduled your visit for when they're at their weakest.
Captain: Define "weakest", please.

Mayor: And so, my friends, it is my privilege to officially bring Gotham City's new courthouse to order.
The: [watching from across the street] By all means, Mr. Mayor, usher the new building in with a bang.
Mayor: [straining to pick up his mallet, to laughter from the crowd] This could be dangerous. Better stand back.
The: [turning on his time device] Oh, to savor the moment as long as possible.

The: Good afternoon. Have they sold the Louis XVI yet?
Woman: Uh, no. The bidding just started. How did you...
[seeing he's gone in the blink of an eye]
Woman: I gotta see my optometrist.

Rick Flagg Jr.: No unnecessary killing.
Captain: Oh, come on!
Rick Flagg Jr.: You kill someone, they find the body, sound the alarm, and we're trapped.
The: Or you take the time to hide the body so they don't find it. Time we don't have to waste.
Deadshot: [yawning] Speaking of the time...
Rick Flagg Jr.: Plenty of time to sleep in the grave, which is where we could all wind up if just one of us misses his mark.