The Best Evil Star Quotes

Lex: You, uh, evil head guy.
Evil: Yeah?
Lex: Tell me your part in this plan.
Evil: I don't have a part in this plan.
Lex: Exactly. Pop quiz. Everyone tell me their part in the plan.
Dr. Polaris: Well, here's the way you gave it to us, this morning. The recently reunited country of Kaznia has gone democratic and is joining the European Union.
Sinestro: As such, they're switching their currency from Kaznian crowns to euros. In a few hours, nearly 100 million newly minted euros are being brought in to the Kaznian treasury.
Tala: So, while Dr. Poaris and Sinestro take the point, darling, you and I are in a transport nearby.
Dr. Polaris: It's a simple smash-and-grab. It's also gonna be the largest single robbery in history.
Lex: Whoa. I mean, Lex Luthor is pleased. Carry on.