The Best Bizarro Quotes

Lex: Bizarro. Superman is your *best* friend! Do you understand?
Bizarro: Bizarro understand. Superman am friend! Bizarro must KILL him!

Lex: Bizarro, you despise me, right?
Bizarro: Uh-huh. Bizarro hate Luthor. Me do anything for him.
Lex: Good. I mean, bad. Anyway, take care of those monks.
Bizarro: [obediently] Okay.

Bizarro: Me do anything for woman I love! Even break her boyfriend out of jail!
Wonder: And what's going to happen then?
Bizarro: Uh...

Bizzaro: [On Lex's surprising new behavior] Me got answer.
Lex: Excellent, do enlighten us.
Bizzaro: Ever since you plug in monkey's head, you act perfectly sane and rational. Am you Bizarro's mommy?