The Best Maxwell Lord Quotes

Amanda: We'll take it from here. The Ultimen belong to us.
Wonder: Belong?
Maxwell: A poor choice of words. We'll see to it their last days are comfortable. We will take care of you... you have my word, for whatever it's worth.
Wind: ...All right, Max.

Wind: You lied to us, Max.
Maxwell: I was only trying to protect you from people who don't have your best interests at heart. I've always been on your side. And I promise I won't stop until...
Wind: Spare us the performance.
Downpour: Water.
Shifter: Lion.
[Downpour traps Maxwell inside an orb of water and Shifter becomes a lion, patrolling outside the orb]
Shifter: What'll it be, Max? Drowning on a rooftop or eaten by a lion?