The Best Wind Dragon Quotes

Batman: [surrounded with Aquaman by Lava men] Can you telepathically control them?
Aquaman: Do they look like fish to you?
Wind: Don't despair, old chum!

Amanda: We'll take it from here. The Ultimen belong to us.
Wonder: Belong?
Maxwell: A poor choice of words. We'll see to it their last days are comfortable. We will take care of you... you have my word, for whatever it's worth.
Wind: ...All right, Max.

Wind: You lied to us, Max.
Maxwell: I was only trying to protect you from people who don't have your best interests at heart. I've always been on your side. And I promise I won't stop until...
Wind: Spare us the performance.
Downpour: Water.
Shifter: Lion.
[Downpour traps Maxwell inside an orb of water and Shifter becomes a lion, patrolling outside the orb]
Shifter: What'll it be, Max? Drowning on a rooftop or eaten by a lion?

Wind: Y'know, Juice, Superman was my hero when I was a lad. It's not his fault he's getting old.
Superman: Old?
Wind: Old but spry, sir. Old but spry.

Long: What- what I want to know is...
Long: "Why can't we join the Justice League?"
Wind: Hey, it's all right. I used to think like that.
Long: Used to? What happened?
Wind: I don't know. I guess I just started wanting stuff.

Wonder: Whatever's going on, we'll do everything in our power to...
Wind: Yes, *power*. That's what it always comes down to, doesn't it? And that's the only way we'll ever be remembered. If we're the ones who take down the Justice League, the world will never forget us!
Batman: Listen to yourself., you're not making any sense! You're getting sicker!
Wind: Translation: They're afraid to face us.
Long: No!
Wind: As a man said, "You're either with us, or against us"!