The Best Red Tornado Quotes

John: Look, we know Grodd's running some kind of organized group. I'm tired of just putting out fires.
Mr. Terrific: We need to find his new secret society and take the fight to them.
The: Guys, I'm not arguing that. There's just gotta be another way.
Mr. Terrific: This is it. When Grodd took control of your mind a couple of years ago, even though that connection was broken, he left a psychic resonance.
Dr. Fate: I can mystically access that resonance and trace it to Grodd, wherever he hides.
Red: And when we do find Grodd, we'll likely find Luthor, Bizarro, and any number of wanted criminals.
The: No doubt, but I don't like strangers nosing around in my brain. No offense, Doc.
Dr. Fate: I assure you, I won't be reading your thoughts. Your mind is simply a portal.
The: This really seems like it's more up J'onn's alley.
John: J'onn's not here.
The: What do you say we go check with Batman? He's got clues.
Mr. Terrific: You saw Batman's report. Grodd covered all of his tracks.
John: We need to find him before he hurts anyone else, Flash. This may be our only shot.

Red: [Lex/Flash vibrates the Javelin bay door open] His vibrations create an unstable resonance.
John: Which is why the real Flash doesn't do it.