Top 50 Quotes From Shayera Hol

Mari: Shayera, he got John.
Shayera: What? Who...? Vixen, what's happened?
Mari: The Shadow Thief attacked us. He took John.

Shayera: Where's Faust?
Abnegazar: Let me think... oh, yeah, he's over there! No, he's other there! No, there!
Shayera: [raises her mace] One more answer, and it better be the right one.
Abnegazar: Or what? You'll kill me? Gosh, I might end up suffering eternal torment as punishment for my sins! Oh, wait - I already am!

Shayera: You're Hath-Set. You're the one who poisoned us. I mean...
Shadow: No, my Queen. I think Hawkman knows who I am. I'm your darkest thoughts, your unspeakable desires. I'm you, Katar Hol.
Hawkman: No.
Shadow: When you first touched the Absorbacron, you freed me... to do everything you wanted. You wanted the secrets of Thanagarian technology, I found them for you. You wanted to be a hero, I became an arch-villain for you to vanquish. You want this woman...
[grabbing Shayera's head]
Shadow: I give her to you.
[opening Carter's restraints and pointing at GL]
Shadow: He's the only thing standing between you and a love that spans 8,000 years.
[giving Carter his ax]
Shadow: End it, Katar Hol. Take what you want.

Shadow: Haven't you figured it out yet, darling? I'm only solid when I want to be.
Hawkgirl: Who said I want you solid?
Shadow: [backing away as her mace crackles with electricity] Filthy witch.

Vixen: Anybody got a plan?
Hawkgirl: Yeah, try to stay alive.
Huntress: Anybody got a GOOD plan?

Shayera: Why would anyone bother taking over this dump?
Felix: To get revenge on Hades for betraying me. I'd planned to torture him for a few millenia, but he tried to make a deal. Told me all about this library. He kept his end of the bargain, but I didn't keep mine. I still don't understand why he was surprised.

Shayera: [Vigilante tracks a Thanagarian patrol in the sky with his revolver] Hold your fire!
Vigilante: What? That's loco! I got him!
Shayera: He wouldn't be flying that low unless he wanted to be seen.
Vixen: You think he's a stalking horse to trick us into revealing our position.
Vigilante: What makes you so sure?
Shayera: Because it's exactly what I would do, and I'm one of them.

Shayera: [spreading her wings for all to see] That's right. I'm an angel. You can mess with me if you want to, but I don't think you want to mess with the boss.
[she points up towards heaven; the demons fly away in terror]
Shayera: [to Wonder Woman] If we're lucky, they'll all be that dumb.

Wonder: What about us? Are we good?
Shayera: Like oil and vinegar. We go together, but we don't mix.
Wonder: Works for me.

Shayera: We've come to put you back on the throne.
Lord: Or die trying?
Shayera: Not in the plan.

Shadow: Of course, you recognize the Absorbacron. Despite your best efforts to bury me alive, I managed to retrieve it.
Green: Where's Vixen?
Shadow: Out of the way. She's not part of this.
Shayera: That machine is Thanagarian technology. It's a telepathic database more complex than anything on Earth, and it's broken.
Hawkman: She might be right. When I touched it before, the feedback...
Shadow: Hush now. Watch and learn.

Dr. Fate: Are you certain you're up to this?
Shayera: Doesn't matter. Bad guy or not, he sacrificed his life to save ours. We owe him the benefit of the doubt.
Dr. Fate: Very well.
[opening a portal]
Dr. Fate: I've learned the hard way that the energy-dampening properties of this device can disrupt fundamental forces. So I've kept it hidden in a pocket dimension, away from the magic that must flow freely in my home. But if you are truly ready to take up the fight again...
Shayera: [removing her mace] I'm ready.

John: Shayera?
Shayera: Hate the beard.

[as several onlookers boo Hawkgirl]
John: Back off! She doesn't have to take that from you people!
Shayera: Yes, I do. But it's okay. I guess I deserve some of it.
[Her hand is taken]
Woman: You saved our lives. God bless you, Chica Halcón.
John: [to Shayera] You deserve that, too.

Hawkman: [about Hawkgirl's mace] You always were good with that thing.
Shayera: Just hit him!
Hawkman: Right!

Hawkgirl: Problem?
Green: No. No. It's just, uh... I've... never seen you in a dress before.
Hawkgirl: You don't like it?
Green: It's, uh... fetching.
Hawkgirl: If you want one for Vixen, I can tell you where I got it.

Aquaman: Only you have the power to put that creature out of its misery. And to stop it before it hurts anyone else.
John: ...
[puts his hand on Shayera's arm]
John: You don't have to Shayera. I'll do it for you. Give me the mace.
Shayera: Forget it, John. He was my friend. It's my responsibility. I'll do it myself!

Chuck: Whoever's on the island will be headed for master control. That's in a bunker under the Blackhawk Victory Museum.
Hawkgirl: Where you stored the weapons you captured?
Chuck: Yeah, there's some serious ordnance there. Even got a couple of old war wheels.
Fire: Wasn't all that stuff destroyed in the war?
Chuck: Don't believe everything you see on the Documentary Channel, sweetheart.
The: War wheels, robot condors. You got a pretty goofy security system here.
Chuck: Yeah, good times.

Hawkgirl: What?
Carter: I miss the dress.
Hawkgirl: You didn't miss it last night. Anyway, it didn't seem like the right outfit for an archeological dig.
Carter: You're right. The pants are fine. You look beautiful in anything.
Hawkgirl: It's your dig, Romeo. Lead the way.

Vixen: I figure since your boyfriend here...
Shayera: Not my boyfriend.
Vixen: Since Hawkman's tangled with this guy before, he might be able to give us a lead.
[approaching the Midway City Museum, they see a door ajar despite the building being closed]
Vixen: What's wrong with this picture?

Android: [fighting Hawkgirl] Do you think there's a *single* person on Thanagar or Earth that doesn't despise us?

Hawkgirl: [after Lex escapes from custody] Why would you even try to move a prisoner that dangerous without calling us?
Agent: Maybe because we thought we could do our jobs without help from the mighty Justice League.
Hawkgirl: And yet here we are.
Superman: Okay, Shayera, what's done is done. Let's see if we can pick up his trail. Aztek?
Aztek: [scanning a brick wall] The wall's submolecular integrity has been compromised.
Hawkgirl: Leptons showing residual weak-force interactions?
Aztek: Yeah. How did you know?
Superman: It's a common energy signature of matter-phasing technology. I assume it doesn't leave a trail?
Hawkgirl: No such luck. Maybe Aztek could...
Agent: You guys want some coffee? Apparently, I got nothing better to do here.
Superman: Sorry, we got caught up in the work.

Vixen: [arriving at their destination] Guys, I'm not seeing a mining ship out there.
Shayera: There's nothing on sensors, either.
Vigilante: I followed the distress beacon, just like in the manual.
Shayera: Not saying you didn't, but this is weird. I'm not detecting any Nth metal, either.
Vigilante: [checking the chambers of his revolver] We could sit here studying on it all night, or we could go take a look-see.
Shayera: All right, but stay sharp. This looks funky.

Hawkgirl: That machine was designed to telepathically communicate with Thanagarians. It was too powerful for an unshielded human mind.
Batman: J'onn J'onzz is a telepath. Perhaps he can help you sort through the information...
Hawkman: I don't need any help. I know the truth. We're the reincarnations of Katar and Shayera Hol, and I love you.
Hawkgirl: Oh, you can't love me, Carter. You don't even know me.
Hawkman: Your favorite color is teal. You could eat Korshin oysters every day, even though they give you heartburn. You get up early because you love the sunrise. And nothing's more important to you than fighting for those who can't fight for themselves. You'll see the truth... eventually. It's destiny.
Hawkgirl: It's not. It's just the Absorbacron.
Hawkman: I've waited thousands of years for us to find each other. I can wait a little longer.

J'onn: Wait. I'm assigning a support team.
Shayera: Don't need one. I'll handle it myself.
J'onn: That wasn't a suggestion.

Agent: Tell Hawkgirl your story, Mr. Sirianni.
Chuck: We met a while back, ma'am. Longer for me than for you. When you traveled in time to World War II, you fought alongside my squadron.
Hawkgirl: You're one of the Blackhawks.
Chuck: Only one still kicking, I'm sorry to say.
The: What's the problem?
Chuck: During the war and for decades after, we captured a lot of weapons. Real sci-fi stuff. We hid the worst of it on Blackhawk Island. We decommissioned the place over 30 years ago. But this morning, the old security alarm went off. Might be nothing.
Hawkgirl: Or it might be someone raiding your armory. We'll take a look. Shayera out.
[ending the call]
Hawkgirl: Pick a third for the team.
The: Um...
Hawkgirl: [seeing him nervously glance at Fire] Oh, yob shiggurath. Hey, Fire.
Fire: Yes?
Hawkgirl: We've got a mission. Let's go.

Mari: You might want to ease up there. Most guys don't go for the ripped, bulky look.
Shayera: Just trying to maintain my girlish figure.
[looks at her chest]
Shayera: My girlish, girlish figure. And why does it always have to be about the guys, anyway?
Mari: Honey, it's always about the guys. And since I'll be away on that photo shot for a week...
Shayera: Here we go...
Mari: Well, I'm surprised you haven't made your move before now.
Shayera: I'm still trying to figure out the proper Earth protocol for this situation. It's not like I can just assassinate you in your asleep, or poison your water... I miss Thanagar.
Mari: I'm just saying. You think you've got a shot, take it. I'm not worried.

Inza: Are you all right?
Dr. Fate: Fine. Although there was a moment when I actually thought John Stewart was going to attack me.
Shayera: Oh I don't know about that... His bark's a lot worse than his bite.

Aquaman: I win again... huzzah.
Shayera: It's just a game.
[Aquaman knocks the board and pieces off the table]
Aquaman: You disgust me!
Shayera: Join the club.

Shayera: It's getting kind of hot in here.
Wonder: Considering where we are?
Shayera: Point taken, but, still.

Carter: The entire tomb is booby-trapped. It took me months to learn how to avoid them all.
Hawkgirl: Right. After you, then.
Carter: The trick is the raised glyphs. If you press them in the proper sequence, they disarm the defenses down here.
Hawkgirl: And if you get it wrong?
Carter: Well, we're already in a tomb, so that's handy.

Paran: Shayera Hol!
Shayera: Paran Dul?
Vixen: Friend of yours?
Vigilante: Birds of a feather.
Paran: Did you really think you could get away with betraying the entire Thanagarian empire?
Vigilante: Hold up. I thought we were the ones she betrayed.
Vixen: Sounds like she betrayed everybody, cowboy.

[Vixen is fighting a mind-controlled Hawkgirl]
Vixen: I don't want to hurt you, Shayera!
Hawkgirl: But *I* want to hurt *you*!
Vixen: Just when we were starting to get along...

Shayera: We become pals when I wasn't looking?

Shayera: I can't make this decision for you, Diana, but, however you want to play it, I'll back you up.

Paran: You helped the Justice League destroy my hyperspace bypass.
Shayera: Only to stop you from killing everyone on Earth.
Paran: That bypass was our last hope. Without it, we were helpless against our enemies. Because of you, the Thanagarian empire lost the war.
[Shayera bows her head in shame]
Paran: Nothing to say, traitor, or hadn't you heard?
Shayera: Hro. What happened to Hro?
Paran: After you and the Justice League destroyed the bypass, our fleet was ordered back to Thanagar. By the time we exited hyperspace, the Gordanians had already begun their final assault on our homeworld. In their minds, the war was over, but not for Hro Talak. He single-handedly destroyed a dozen of the enemy battleships. More. But finally, the battle was lost. Of our entire fleet, only Hro Talak's ship remained. He ordered us into a scout ship. We barely made it out. With his final breath, he destroyed the Gordanian flagship. Too little, too late. The war was already lost.
Shayera: I didn't know.
Vixen: You still have feelings for him.
Shayera: For a lot of people I've let down.
Paran: All we want is Shayera Hol. If you hand her over, the rest of you can go free. If you choose to fight with her, you will most assuredly die with her.
Vigilante: Let me think on that.
Shayera: [he starts firing his revolvers, then takes cover] You don't speak for the team, I do. Maybe I should let them take me.
Vigilante: Like horse hockey. Pardon my French.
Vixen: We're Justice League. We don't turn our backs on our teammates.
Vigilante: Still havin' a little trouble with that notion, huh?

Shayera: Less talking, more hitting!

John: Shayera, I haven't been fair to Mari, and I haven't been fair to you. I couldn't figure out how to tell you this, or... even if I should.
Shayera: What?
John: When Batman and I went to the future, we met a man named Warhawk. He's our son. Yours and mine.
Shayera: ...Our son?
John: That's why I've been so awkward around you lately. I've been trying to figure out what to do with this knowledge. What is means for our future.
Shayera: Well, what else could it mean?
John: I won't be destiny's puppet. Whatever the future holds, we'll make those choices ourselves.
Shayera: Don't say you don't love me.
John: I'll never say that. But, you need to know... I'm staying with Mari.

Fire: [approaches Flash] You haven't said a word the entire flight.
[staring at her, Flash stammers nervously]
Fire: I was hoping this mission would give us a chance to get to know each other a little better.
[Flash keeps stammering]
Fire: I understand; you're very deep in thought, mentally preparing for the batle. No time for women; I understand.
[she starts to head back to her seat. Hawkgirl, exasperated, rolls the plane sharply to one side, dumping Fire into Flash's lap]
Hawkgirl: Oops. Sorry.

Shayera: Are you all right?
Green: [conjuring a splint to brace his broken wrist] Hurts like crazy. But I'll live. Where's Mari?
Shayera: Don't know.
Green: I've gotta find her. Who knows what that psycho might have...
Shayera: We'll take care of shadow guy. Go.

Hawkgirl: I'm sorry. I'm not laughing at you. Exactly. I just... I've got the worst taste in men.
Carter: I'm serious, Shayera.
Hawkgirl: I know you are. And I'm in a lost Egyptian tomb with my stalker. The worst part is I'm going to have to listen to John and Batman saying "I told you so."

Shayera: [unimpressed with Vigilante's skills piloting the Javelin] You need another twenty hours of flight time before you're certified.
Vigilante: And some of us are already right certifiable.

Batman: [after the League has just brought down Brainiac's Skull Ship] That was too easy.
Shayera: Easy? Then, I guess I must have gone to the wrong fight.
Superman: No, he's right. Brainiac isn't here. He suckered us!

Hawkgirl: Is that right?
Batman: Let me run it again. Carbon-14 dating confirms that this artifact is over 8,000 years old.
Hawkgirl: I'm no historian, but... that date roughly tracks with the era of the weapon's design.
Batman: And the relative crudity of its Nth-metal components.

The: [Shayera tries to deactivate a self-destruct] Forget it. There's still time for me to run us out to the water.
Hawkgirl: No. I'm not going to let all this history be lost. I can't crack the code, but maybe if I...
Chuck: [stopping her as she raises her mace] You better let me do that.
Blackhawk: Self-destruct sequence canceled.
Chuck: Can't fix everything by hitting it.

Green: I just ran into your stalker boyfriend, Carter Hall.
Shayera: He's not my boyfriend.
Green: And he's still talking about you.
Shayera: Yeah, the whole reincarnated lovers from Ancient Egypt bit. Carter's just a little confused.
Green: He's an obsessed fanboy with wings and an ax.
Shayera: If I didn't know any better, I'd say you were...
Green: Concerned. The guy's a serious creep.
Shayera: I'm a big girl, John. You know I can take care of myself.
Green: Yeah, I just... just wanted to give you a heads-up. This isn't about us, Shayera.

Batman: [trying to prove Hall is stalking Shayera] There.
Hawkgirl: So, he was in the crowd. I don't see what...
Batman: Wait.
Hawkgirl: [seeing another footage reel where Hall pops up again] A coincidence. This... this doesn't mean he's...
Green: [he shows them a third reel where Hall shows up yet again] I'm gonna have a little talk with this guy.
Hawkgirl: This isn't any of your business... or yours.
Batman: It's League business.
Hawkgirl: Oh, really? Do I tell you who to date? Carter Hall has uncovered a genuine mystery. And I think it's worth investigating.
Green: You should take backup.
[she glowers]
Green: I meant Batman. I... we don't want you walking into a trap.
Hawkgirl: I can take care of myself. Thanks.
Batman: The point is...
Hawkgirl: The point is you don't trust me... either of you.
Hawkgirl: Don't wait up.

Sroya: [Reporting] This has been the scene all over the world. In the wake of Darkseid's defeat, his attacking forces have withdrawn, persumably back to wherever it is they came from.
Superman: Thanks to Luthor, of all people.
J'onn: In many ways, Lex Luthor represents the worst mankind has to offer.
Superman: But he died saving us all.
Batman: I doubt either of them died.
Superman: We saw it this time.
The: You saw it last time too.
Green: What's the old saying? Believe half of what you see...
Shayera: ...And none of what you hear. They'll be back.
J'onn: And we'll be ready for them.

Hawkman: I know it sounds crazy, but hear me out. Our souls have been bound together for thousands of years. This device, it's called an Absorbacron. I unearthed it three years ago. And when I touched it...
[in flashback, he touches it and falls unconscious]
Hawkman: After I woke up, I understood everything. Almost everything. The machine restored the memory of my life here thousands of years ago. In 6600 B.C., two Thanagarian law officers were sucked through a wormhole into an uncharted sector of space. They landed here when their ship ran out of fuel. They were stranded... with no way to get home. They decided to use their technology to improve the lives of the locals. And they succeeded... beyond their wildest dreams. They turned this arid waste into a paradise. We ruled this land with fairness and compassion. And the people loved us. But there were factions that resented these two gods from another world. A jealous priest poisoned us. Poisoned you and me. Do you understand now? We died, Shayera. The extraordinary society we created fell in less than a generation... its technological secrets lost... until I rediscovered them.
Hawkgirl: [led into another chamber where a ship is docked] Look, an Absorbacron is just a database that you interface with telepathically. What you saw was probably just the ship's log. It's old, probably damaged. It filled your mind with thoughts, feelings, memories that weren't your own. We're not reincarnated lovers.
Hawkman: Come with me. Once you touch it, you'll understand.
Hawkgirl: Hands off!

Shayera: Aquaman thinks I've been here too long.
Inza: Flowers bloom when they are ready, Shayera. Not before.
Shayera: I'm no flower. I don't know what I am. I'm not Lieutenant Shayera Hol of the Thanagarian Empire. Not anymore. I've been stripped of my rank, exiled from my home world. I'm not Hawkgirl, that was always a sham. Most people on Earth will never trust me again, and I can't blame them. When I do my job, people get hurt, people that I care about.
Inza: And what happens when you don't do your job?