Top 30 Quotes From Taylor Russell

Maren: [to Brad] You're not one of us?
Jake: Abso-fuckin-lutely normal he is! Well, uh, clearly not normal. Hasn't had his full bones yet. But I reckon that's coming soon enough.
Lee: Full bones?
Jake: When you eat the whole thing, bones and all. You ain't done that yet? That's a big fucking deal. It's like your first time. There's before bones and all, and then there's after.

[last lines]
Young: What is the "Fortuna"?
Judy: The Fortuna was a ship that everyone thought was lost almost 20 years ago. It was commanded by Grant Kelly .. my father.

Zoey: Breathe, bitch.

Judy: Mom, you're crushing the Oreos.

John: Judy, listen to me. I know a lot of good men and women who I've trusted with my life. But the lives of my children? That's that's a different story. There's only two people that I trust your mother, and you.
Judy: Me?

Judy: Seriously? This has been on ice for 20 years.
Grant: Yeah, well, so have I.
Judy: Right, which is why I wouldn't strap 800 pounds to your back and ride you across a minefield.
Grant: Odd metaphor, but okay. Here's the thing. You said the launch window off this planet won't hold for much longer. So the question is, do you wanna walk back, or do you wanna ride?

Judy: [introducing herself to her all-child crew] Everybody take the person beside you's hand. I know they're probably dirty, and what with all the crying there's a fair amount of snot, but what's that compared with all the alien microbes and whatever else we touched down on that planet.
Judy: Some of you don't know each other. Some of us are brothers and sisters. Some of us are friends. Some of us are strangers. But from now on, none of us are alone.

Lee: [from trailer] You seem nice.
Maren: I am nice.

Judy: A heart isn't determined by what it's made of. It's... it's what you believe in. It's what you fight for.

Maren: You protected the people that you love.
Lee: You don't think I'm a bad person?
Maren: All I think is that I love you.

Lee: You don't think I'm a bad person?
Maren: All I think is that I love you.

Judy: Okay, plan is, when we see the robot, we approach him together. But Penny should talk to him.
Penny: What? Why me?
Judy: Well, after Will, you've spent the most time together.
Penny: I've spent my whole life with you. You don't listen to me.

Maren: Why do you always talk about yourself as if you're two people?

Penny: Okay, one thing at a time.
Judy: Well, more than one thing is happening.

Lee: You're pissed off, and you're scared, and you feel alone, and you don't know what to do with it all, it's fine. If you wanna go at yourself with that, I can't stop you. I think you got used to being locked up and invisible and alone, and now you're out in the world...
Maren: Okay, okay...
Lee: And you're seeing yourself for the first time, and that's freaking you out. But you know what, it's fucking me up too, okay? I feel like I'm seeing myself too. That's how this works.
Maren: How what works?
Lee: This! Whatever this is.

Don: It's not a present.
[chicken clucking]
Judy: Mmm, I don't want your chicken.
Don: And I don't wanna hurl through space in a "thermos," but here we are.

Will: [putting Smith in cryosleep] She looks peaceful.
Judy: Mm. She should be unconscious more often.

[first lines]
Judy: Unbelievable. I should have known.
Don: She played *me* even before we crashed here. I fell for it like a sucker. I blame my innate sense of compassion.
Judy: You tried to profit off of our survival.
Don: Nothing illegal about that.
Judy: You also smuggle booze!

Maren: [reading James Joyce's "Dubliners"]

John: So, I saw Dr. Smith being treated earlier. Which is strange because she wasn't being arrested.
Penny: Yeah, I think she's turning over a new leaf.
Judy: Well, she can turn over as many new leafs as she wants, but the tree's still rotten.

Judy: How do you have the code to the dam?
Don: I do not. But I do have the code to this really, really big wine cellar.
Penny: So you store booze in a dam?
Don: That's right. And if we survive today and I catch you and your underage friends trying to break in and party, I'll whoop your ass.

Jason: None of us died, right?
Zoey: We're sole survivors.
Jason: So what.
Zoey: We're a statistical improbability. And now they want to see who will be the luckiest among the lucky.

Maren: I don't wanna hurt anybody.
Lee: Famous last words.

[last lines]
John: That's mutiny.
Maureen: Is it?
John: Yeah. Taking a ship somewhere the captain doesn't want it to go? That's mutiny... There will be consequences.
Judy: Any worse than for the people being left behind?
John: First thing we need is a plan.
June: I agree. Totally.

Hiroki: Wait! Please, it's dangerous! Your mother would want you to stay here!
Judy: Well, then I guess it's a good thing I take after my dad.

Judy: [noticing the wall plaque commemorating the Fortuna] You know, it's been almost a year since we went missing. I wonder if there's a wall with our name on it on Alpha Centauri.
John: What do you say we give them one hell of a surprise?

Judy: Wow. Nice suit. Okay, I leave for a year, and you're management?
Don: Please. Captain Robinson? Or is it Dr. Robinson still? Do I call you Captain Dr. Robinson? Dr. Captain Robinson?
Judy: Just Judy.
Don: I can do that.

Penny: I just want things to be normal.
Judy: Normal is out there somewhere. We just have to find it.

Judy: You overexert yourself, you can suffer allograft rejection.
Will: I know. And then my heart will fail.
Judy: And then you'll die.
Penny: So let's not do that.

Judy: I don't have the words for this.
Penny: That's okay. That's my department.