The Best Vijay Dhar Quotes

Vijay: Oh man. If my dad finds out, he's gonna kill me.
Penny: Yep. Welcome to the club.

Liam: Here, um... I got these for you.
Penny: Flowers!
Liam: Not just any flowers. Alpha Centauri humming flowers. When the wind blows through them, it sounds like music.
Vijay: I wouldn't get too close to them. They sound better than they smell.
Penny: Really? Oh wow.
Vijay: Should call them farting flowers.

Vijay: No, you saved Mr. Jackson. What are you talking about?
Penny: You really think anyone else could have convinced Dr. Smith to be a good person? What's more Robinson than that?

Vijay: I have a confession to make.
Penny: Well, keep it to yourself 'cause I don't want to have to testify against you.
Vijay: You were my first kiss too.

Penny: [searching through the Resolute's trash pit] Oh, my God!
Vijay: What did you find it?
Penny: [holding up a package] Somebody else brought Oreos!

Vijay: [after Penny tackles him to the ground] What was that?
Penny: That was saving your life. Now GO! RUN!