Top 20 Quotes From The Six Million Dollar Man, Season 2, Episode 14

Kuroda: [takes something from his bag] Thousand stitch belt. When I joined kamikaze, my mother went into the streets and asked people who passed by to put one knot.
Col. Steve Austin: I've heard of it. One knot, one prayer.
Kuroda: A thousand prayers to carry with you until you die.

Kuroda: I had hoped that my enemies would have killed me. There is dishonor in living beyond one's moment.

Kuroda: You'll make a mistake... and die.
Col. Steve Austin: And you'll win?
Kuroda: I cannot lose. I have nothing.

Kuroda: [hopeful glint in his eye] You kill me?
Col. Steve Austin: No, I won't kill ya. We're both gonna get out of this alive. If I have to tie you up and carry you out an inch at a time. But I won't kill ya.

Col. Steve Austin: [Steve Austin stops Kuroda from commiting harikiri] You have shown that you know how to die. Now for the sake of your enemies, show me that you know how to live.

Kuroda: I cannot go back.
Col. Steve Austin: Why not?
Kuroda: You must understand. When I left Japan, they clipped my hair and nails for my funeral. I was dead to the war. I cannot out-live it. There is great shame for me.
Col. Steve Austin: What is the shame?
Kuroda: You are not Japanese, you do not understand.
Col. Steve Austin: After the war there were many men thought dead came back to their families. There was no shame, only tears... tears of joy.

Col. Steve Austin: I can't undo history, even for my own life.

Col. Steve Austin: How often have you done this?
Thomas: Ah, I've stopped counting the number of Japanese I've gone after. The Old Devil's something else.
Col. Steve Austin: The old devil?
Thomas: Well, that's what the island people call him. And I'm surpised America would let the famous Colonel Austin go looking for a common war criminal.
Col. Steve Austin: Well, there's some important people in the United States would like to see him returned to Japan savely. Besides, we're not at war anymore.
Thomas: You tell that to the Old Devil.

Col. Steve Austin: I don't speak Japanese.

Kuroda: I am sorry to kill you. You have a strange honor, almost Japanese. But you are the enemy.

Kuroda: You, fly through space to the moon, hmm?
Col. Steve Austin: Yes.
Kuroda: And you walk on moon?
Col. Steve Austin: Look, I know it's a little hard for you to believe...
Kuroda: You biggest liar on earth, that's what I believe.

Thomas: If we find him, it'll be because he wants us to. You'll want a riffle when that happens...

Thomas: Don't let this terrain deceive you, Colonel, death can come very quickly in this jungle.

Oscar: Here is a mock-up of the war head that you'll be looking for. Even though our government didn't build it, we're responsible for it if it goes of. Every moment that it's out of our hands, the risk gets greater.
[puts it away]
Oscar: So you've got to find it.
Col. Steve Austin: That sounds easy if you say it fast.

Kuroda: What kind of a devil are you?
Col. Steve Austin: I'm a man, just like you. You've seen me bleed, the same way.
Col. Steve Austin: [indicating Austin's bionic leg] There's no blood in that leg.

Thomas: [having just seen Steve Austin move a tree log] You moved that like it didn't take any effort.
Col. Steve Austin: Huh? Oh, I used to do a lot of weight lifting in college.

Kuroda: We were not to live with our plane gone. My navigator Ioki did what was right. He committed seppuku. Harakiri.
Col. Steve Austin: And you couldn't. So that makes you a coward, is that it?
Kuroda: He earned his way to heaven. But when I saw him die, I could not do it.

Kuroda: My family Samurai. Fighting men. My grandfather's father was Samurai and all their fathers before them. The fought for their masters without questioning for hundreds of years. The bushido: the man's honor and duty. Not questons.

Col. Steve Austin: You're going home.
Kuroda: [his face lightens] Home? My mother... my brother... if they still live, how will they greet me?
Col. Steve Austin: You'll soon see.

Kuroda: A man who has died in his heart does not run away from real death. That is the way of the bushido.
Col. Steve Austin: The bushido tells a man that he must show mercy, doesn't it? That includes compassion for one self.
Kuroda: Too late. Kamikaze meant 'devine wind'. I am like the last wind of the day. The midnight wind.