The Best Thinker Quotes

Thinker: Unclench your fucking pearls, Flag! We serve the same master!
Ratcatcher: We were sent here to stop you!
Thinker: Child, your government didn't send you here to protect the world from alien technology, your government sent you here to cover up their part in it!
Rick: You're a goddamn liar!
Thinker: American goddamn astronauts found Starro! Yankee fucking doodle dandies! Although the Cold War was ended, your government saw the potential in weaponizing such a powerful beast. But banish the thought of any such experiments being held on American soil!

Ratcatcher: How would you like it if I sent half a dozen rats up your ass?
Thinker: You might be surprised by my response.

Thinker: This is suicide.
Rick: Well, that's kind of our thing.