The Best Tina Reynolds Quotes

Lou: [at the zoo with his daughter Tina] I bet you could walk right under that elephant. I wonder if they'll eat popcorn. Let's see.
[tosses a piece of popcorn over to the elephant that's behind the fence they're standing by]
Tina: Oh.
Lou: Aw, honey.
Lou: I guess I-I just haven't been giving you much time lately, have I? It'll be different from now on, though.
Tina: Oh, that's okay. I understand. It takes a lot of time to be a famous newspaperman. And that's nice. But what's really nice is today, just the two of us.
Lou: Yeah. I promised you, didn't I? Just the two of us?
Tina: Yeah, yeah.

Edie: Come in, Joe.
Joe: How's Tina?
Edie: Nothing. She just keeps slipping in and out. She's okay one minute, and the next, she's gone again.
Dr. Walter Brown: Edith... Edith has agreed we're taking Tina to the clinic this afternoon. The attempt on your life, Mr. Mannix, has convinced Tina that she has the power to will someone dead.
[they walk into Lou's old home office and see Tina sitting on a chair]
Joe: [whispers to Edie] Does she know about Saunders?
Tina: Of course I know. I heard it on the radio. Bill's dead. You want to know why?
Joe: Because you killed him, right? He was supposed to be your friend, he was supposed to come and stay with you, but instead, he ran away. So you got mad and you killed him, right?
Edie: Joe!
Dr. Walter Brown: What are you trying to do?
Joe: Am I right, Tina?
Tina: Yes, that's right.
Dr. Walter Brown: Mr. Mannix, you are working in a very dangerous area.
Joe: What Tina needs is the truth, and the truth is inside. Now you went to the zoo that day, Tina, you and your father. And then Mr. Kelly came along.
Tina: No, it was just the two of us. It was our special day.
Joe: That's right, and then Mr. Kelly came along.
Joe: "They cover themselves too good, Lou."
Tina: "They cover themselves too good, Lou."
Joe: "They cover themselves too good, Lou."
Tina: "The only thing it's going to get you is hurt."
Joe: I'm, uh... I'm not afraid of them.
Tina: "Let me tell you something, J.B. They took the chauffeur out of circulation, along with what he had to say. But I've got a pretty good idea where to get 'em back." Daddy!
[starts crying]
Joe: [hugs Tina to comfort her] Oh... now, it's going to be all right, Tina. It's all right, honey. It's all going to be just fine. Now, you never hurt anyone in your whole life, least of all, your daddy. Tina, honey, I'm gonna find out who did, huh? And then I'm gonna come back, and when I do, we're gonna spend some time together, okay?
Tina: Promise?
Joe: Sure. Now you go with the doctor.
[hands Tina to Dr. Brown]
Dr. Walter Brown: There, there, there.