The Best Travis Leich Quotes

Travis: [having shot The Colonel] This cause doesn't respond well to queens, unfortunately.

Travis: [about Tobias] You killed him. And his brothers as well.
The: Yes.
Travis: Why?
The: Because I could. Because they were weak.

Seth: And so if we plead guilty by reason of insanity, we can ensure transfer from this awful place to a mental health facility where, if you show good behavior, you can be released on parole in under ten years. Do you understand?
Travis: I certainly understand. Thank you, Mr. Goldstein. But, I didn't ask you here because I wanted to get out. I asked you here so I'd be sure I'd stay in. You see, I have so much work to do. A war is coming, and I need an army. And this, this is the honey pot. Hundreds of ignorant, violent white men looking for someone to blame for all their problems. I could not have chosen a better breeding ground if I tried.

Travis: [pauses while beating Tobias] If you all were so good and pure, why didn't your families get it right the first time, hmm? The villainy you teach, Americans will always better the instruction. Hitler was five nine. I'm five-nine-and-a-half.

Travis: [stabs Lonny] Bullets on Mars, right? Underrated flick.