The Best Trudy Quotes

Sophia: [twentysomething Michael is intent on marrying Lorraine, a 44-year-old black woman; Lorraine's mother and two aunts have come by to discuss how to prevent the marriage] You know, I'm glad you showed up. There's something important we didn't discuss this afternoon, and I'd like to get that cleared up before we talk about anything else.
Greta: What is it?
Sophia: Is it true what they say about black men in bed?
Blanche: Oh yes, definitely.
Blanche: [everyone stares at Blanche in disbelief as she realises what she's said] Oh yes, definitely, that is something I would like to know about, too.
Dorothy: Blanche, please, that's a stereotype.
Trudy: Call it whatever you want. I'm just grateful it's true!
[the fact that Trudy, Lorraine's aunt, is black herself has provided a certain credibility]

[the girls are watching Dorothy and Trudy arm wrestle. Trudy wins]
Trudy: Well, that's that. How does it feel to have your butt whipped?
Blanche: Well, sometimes I find it strangely titillating, but... oh. You were talking to her.