The Best Usopp Quotes

Usopp: [he last saw Luffy at the bottom of a cliff] YOU'RE ALIVE!
Monkey D. Luffy: Of course. Why wouldn't I be?

Kurohadol: [Jango runs into the village chasing Kaya] You'd be no match for him anyway. This way is probably safest for you!
Usopp: [Usopp was trying to stop Jango] Even if I am no match... Even if I am no match for him... I will protect them! I'm captain of the Usopp Pirates and a brave warrior of the sea! I won't let you lay a finger on the village!

Monkey D. Luffy: [after they picked the orb test] Hey! Maybe this is like one of those games!
Sanji: What games?
Monkey D. Luffy: You know! You pick the right door and you get a prize, but if you pick the wrong one...
Usopp: You waited until now to tell us this!
Monkey D. Luffy: I forgot.
Sanji: So what happens if we picked the wrong one?
Monkey D. Luffy: Let's see... we fall all the way back to the Blue Sea!
Sanji: Come on, nothing like that is going to happen!
Sanji: [they fall down a huge waterfall] I can't believe that just happened...
Usopp: I seriously thought... we we're falling all the way back to the Blue Sea...
Sanji: That's because *someone* had to make up that story to scary us!
Monkey D. Luffy: [laughing] Come on! I thought I was a goner too!

Sanji: [choosing between the IQ Iron, Swamp, Orb, and String tests] So which one should we choose?
Monkey D. Luffy: How about the Orb test?
Usopp: Why that one?
Monkey D. Luffy: Orb's like a ball, right? Sounds fun!
Usopp: That's your reason?
Monkey D. Luffy: Why? Which one would you pick?
Usopp: I don't know. I guess Orb does sound the least likely to kill us...
[thinks about each of the tests and envisions them all being scary]
Usopp: On second thought, they all sound scary!

Tony: [after seeing Ussopp's 5 ton hammer break] You mean it was a fake?
Usopp: Of course! I can't lift five tons! I quit after five pounds!

Monkey D. Luffy: CAMPING!
Usopp: This isn't a party! We're in enemy territory! now calm down!
Monkey D. Luffy: Not a party, got it. Hey, Usopp, is a BBQ a party?

Usopp: Talking's easy, but we'll need true strength for the battle. What are you guys capable of?
Roronoa: Slicing!
Monkey: Stretching!
Nami: Thieving!
Usopp: ...Running and hiding!

Usopp: There's a rule against going for that area of a man!

Niko: Let put out the fires if we don't need them. We don't want to announce our location to our enemies.
Monkey D. Luffy: What a rookie move. You hear that Usopp? She want us to put out the fire, what should we do?
Usopp: I don't know. It's not really her fault, though. She's never been exposed to this kind of living. We should be tolerant.
Niko: What are you saying?
Monkey D. Luffy: [both crying] You're always suppose to have a campfire when you camp, that's what makes it *camping*!
Nami: It's never ending with those idiots. HEY! Lay off the sob stories! You know how dangerous this island is! Let's not give it any help in killing us!
Monkey D. Luffy: Don't care.
Nami: We are in the middle of a war between knights protecting their king, and gorillas forging a coup, not to mention the giant, blood-thirst monsters that wait around every corner to eat us!
Usopp: Sky island scary... sky island scary... sky island scary...
Roronoa: [with giant pill of wood] Luffy, take a look! Is this enough wood for your fire?
Nami: Can you idiots think for one second!
Sanji: [dozens of eyes appear behind him] Don't worry wild animals are afraid of fire they'll stay away!
Nami: But they're surrounding us!

Usopp: I'll take command here. Go kick their butts! I'll cover you!
Nami: Eh? Hold on, why me? There's no way I can take on that huge army! I'm weak, you know!
Usopp: Don't underestimate me just 'cause I'm a guy! I'm so scared my legs are shaking like crazy! See?
Nami: Big deal! See, look! I'm so scared I have tears in my eyes!
Usopp: Your eyes are bone dry! If you're gonna lie, lie more realistically!
Nami: I don't need you to tell me that!

Usopp: So, I know this is sudden, but I've decided to set out to sea by myself! I'm gonna be a real pirate! I had always been unsure if I wanted to stay here forever or not... But, once I saw them, I finally made up my mind! I feel that, as a man, I must set out onto the vast ocean! So I'm leaving this village!
Usopp: There's but one reason: the pirate flag is calling me!

Tony: [translating for a wolf] You rotten two leggers better not be trying to muscle in and take what doesn't belong to you!
[as himself]
Tony: No, we're not like that!
Tony: This is our forest! Everything here belongs to us! The land, the trees, and the air!
Nami: [punches the wolf] Nothing's keeping me from that treasure!
Usopp: [wolves growling] Great! Everything's gotten worse again! Now we get eaten by wolves, didn't see that coming!
Nami: Do something!
Usopp: What can I do?
Tony: [translating for the wolf] Back down boys, we might have the numbers, but they have the raw power! Girl, you back one mean punch. Gotta say, you're my kind of angry.
Usopp: So that's what a happy ending looks like?
Roronoa: I guess so.
Monkey D. Luffy: Then I have an idea: CAMPFIRE!
Usopp: It's the Festival of the Night before Gold Hunting!

Monkey D. Luffy: Hey, there's the ship!
Sanji: Nami, my sweet! I beat the IQ Love Test to rescue you!
Monkey D. Luffy: Love? I thought it was orbs!
Usopp: If that was love, I don't ever want to see it again!

Monkey: Why did you tell them that?
Usopp: Because I'm a liar. They were never going to believe me from the start. I was too optimistic.
Roronoa: Even so, the truth is the truth.
Nami: Pirates really are going to come, aren't they?
Usopp: Yeah. They're definitely going to show up. But everyone thinks it's a lie. They think tomorrow'll be just another normal, peaceful day...
Usopp: That's why I'm going to stop the pirates at the beach tomorrow, and make sure this stays a lie! That's the only logical thing for a liar like me to do! Even if I get shot in the arm, even if I'm driven off with brooms, this is my village! I love this village! I want to protect everyone!

Kaya: Usopp-san. You need to clear up everyone's misunderstanding...
Usopp: Misunderstanding? I was only called an exaggerator, like always. There's no need to scare everyone with something that's already over. Aside from things like this, no pirates will show up to attack a remote village like this one. I'm just going to pretend that nothing ever happened. It was all a lie.

Monkey D. Luffy: [after learning about a forbidden island, that all who enter are never seen again] You mean there's a place we're not suppose to go to?
Usopp: Oh no, I know that look! We are *not* going there!

Usopp: Protecting what we cherish most as men is the reason why we formed this pirate crew!

Gaimon: [Gaimon rejects Luffy's invite to join his crew] Yeah, Straw Hat. Even if there's no treasure, there's something else I want to protect.
Nami: Eh?
Usopp: Something you want to protect?
Gaimon: I've shared hard times and happy times with these guys for 20 years. I can't leave them now. Now that I know there's no treasure, I somehow finally feel free. I think I can really live a life I want now. Plus, I've actually grown a bit fond of being in this box!

Monkey D. Luffy: Soon I'll be King of the Pirates!
Roronoa: I'll be the greatest swordsman in the world!
Monkey D. Luffy: Come on, everyone join!
Sanji: I'll find the Great Blue!
Usopp: I'll be brave!
Nami: And, I'll have mapped out the entire world!