The Best Uther Pendragon Quotes

Uther: [Uther is dying after being ambushed] Nobody shall wield Excalibur but me!
[drives Excalibur into the stone as he dies]
Merlin: [casting a spell] He who pulls the sword from the stone... *he* shall be king!
[looking at the infant Arthur]
Merlin: You, Arthur; you're the one.

Uther: Where have you been?
Merlin: I have walked my way since the beginning of time. Sometimes I give, sometimes I take, it is mine to know which and when!
Uther: You must help me, Merlin!
Merlin: Must I?
Uther: I am your King!
Merlin: So! You need me again now that my truce is wrecked! Years to build and moments to ruin! And all for lust!
Uther: For Igrayne! One night with her. You don't understand, you're not a man. Use the magic. Do it!
Merlin: [considering] Igrayne... You will swear by your true Kingship... to grant me what I wish, then you shall have it.
Uther: [kneeling] By Excalibur, I swear it!
Merlin: What issues from your lust, shall be mine. Swear it again!
Uther: I SWEAR IT!

[Uther and Cornwall meet]
Merlin: Show the sword! Behold! The Sword of Power! Excalibur! Forged when the world was young, and bird and beast and flower were one with man, and death was but a dream!
[to Uther]
Merlin: Speak the words!
Uther: One land, one king! That is my peace, Cornwall!
Lord: Lord Uther, if I yield to the Sword of Power, what will you yield?
Uther: Me yield?
Merlin: He has given, now you must.
Uther: The land from here to the sea shall be yours if you enforce the King's will!
Lord: Done!
Merlin: [to himself] Good.
Lord: King Uther, let us feast together! To my castle!

Uther: Merlin! You come when you're not asked, and pay no heed when I call you!
Merlin: Oh, I have slept... for nine moons. What I did for you wasn't easy. Now, you must pay me. The child is mine, Uther... you swore an oath.
Uther: They were hasty words, Merlin. This is flesh and blood!
Igrayne: Uther, is this true? Don't let him take the child!
Uther: I swore an oath, Igrayne. I made a pact with Merlin.
Igrayne: It was you; *you* came to me that night! YOU ARE THE FATHER!
Uther: To kill and be King... is that all?
Merlin: Perhaps not even that.
Uther: You strike me with words hard as steel!
Merlin: You betrayed the Duke. You stole his wife. You took his castle. Now, only fools trust you; now, only a fool would. You're not the one, Uther. Give me the child; I will protect him.
[Igrayne bursts into tears]

Uther: The sword. You promised me the sword.
Merlin: And you shall have it; but to heal, not to hack. Tomorrow, a truce; we meet at the river.
Uther: Talk. Talk is for lovers, Merlin. I need the sword to be king.

Uther: Merlin! Where are you? Call your dragon to weave a mist to hide us!