The Best Waiter Quotes

Waiter: What is your name?
General: My name is Allison Burgers.
Waiter: That is a made up name. What is your real name?
General: My name is Ladiz.
Waiter: Ladiz what?
General: Ladiz Washroom.
Waiter: [notices sign that says "Ladies Wash Room"] Ladies Wash Room. Your name is like the sign. What is your real name?
General: My name is Emplyes.
Waiter: Emplyes what?
General: Emplyes Mustwashhands.
Waiter: [notices sign "Employees Must Wash Hands"] That is a made up name. Tell us your real name. We are interested. We are all interested.
General: My name is Max.
Waiter: Max?
General: Imumoccupancy120.
Waiter: [notices sign "Maximum Occupancy 120 Persons"] There is a number in your name. WHO ARE YOU? AN ALADEEN SYMPATHIZER?

Waiter: [General Aladeen has wandered into a restaurant full of Wadiyan ex patriots] Welcome to the Death To Aladeen Restaurant. If you hate General Aladeen and like good food, this is the place for you.