The Best Warden Quotes

Warden: Welcome to Inferno Island
Spongebob: Yay!
Warden: What in the seven seas just assaulted my eardrums? Could that have been an unrequested sound-off? Well, it must have been my imagination! And you can all thank your lucky stars that I have a very active imagination! Because it just so happens that it is my sworn duty to think of fun things to do with the trash that society has thrown away!
Spongebob: [whispering to Patrick] I always prefer to re-cycle.
Warden: Holy fish paste! We've got ourselves a couple of rabble-rousers here! What's your name, son?
Spongebob: Spongebob Squarepants.
Warden: And are you a rabble-rouser?
Warden: Funny you should mention that. See, this one time...
Warden: Well, I hope you aren't! Cause you sure look mighty tasty! And it's too soon after breakfast for me to want to chew somebody's head off!