The Best William Gregory Lee Quotes

Zack: You seem nervous.
Max: Compared to what? You don't even know me.
Zack: Maybe we knew each other in a past life.
Max: I don't believe in that stuff.
Zack: Doesn't mean it's not true.
Max: Oh, please tell me you're not one of those people: because a raindrop fell in the ocean 10,000 years ago... and a butterfly farted in India... you and I are sitting right here right now... enjoying a cup of coffee that tastes like goat piss.

Logan: All set?
Zack: Would I have come back here if everything wasn't all set?
Logan: It's a figure of speech.

Zack: Did you look in the yellow pages under "black helicopter operations"?
Logan: Oh, another Manticore wit.

Logan: Good luck.
Zack: There's no such thing. Success depends on a well thought out plan that's executed with precision.
Logan: Right.