The Best Wyatt Miller Quotes

Counselor: We are going to be together a long time.
Wyatt: Yes... That is the point of marriage, I suppose.

Wyatt: Mrs. Troi, can I talk to you about something serious?
Lwaxana: But I'm always serious, dear boy. Only my pleasant nature makes it appear otherwise.

Wyatt: They've decided that the joining will be half Betazed, half Earth. The Captain will do the ceremony, and Mr. Homn will be my best man.
Counselor: And we'll take half our clothes off?
Wyatt: Some of us still go naked. You do, I do; your mother, my father, but - not my mother or the guests.
Counselor: Captain Picard will be very relieved. How did you manage it?
Wyatt: Your mother relented. And I just caught my father practicing naked in front of his mirror!

Wyatt: I very much respected what you did tonight.
Counselor: All I did was lose my temper.