The Best Young Sheldon Quotes

Young: Sheldon, never forget, no matter how bad things seem, you al...
Sheldon: [seeing the video has been taped over] What? What... No. N... my dad taped over it with one of his stupid high school football games.
Amy: Sorry.
Sheldon: You know, it doesn't matter. Nothing matters.
Amy: Is there anything I can do?
Sheldon: Yes. You can build me a time machine so I can go back and tell my younger self to give up, because nothing's gonna work out the way he wants.
[he storms off to the bedroom and shuts the door]
Amy: [quietly] I was thinking a nice cup of leaf soup.

Young: Hello, Sheldon.
Sheldon: Hello, Sheldon.
Young: If you're watching this, I assume something bad has happened. Something unfortunate and unforeseen. Something that's making you question everything.
Sheldon: I'm so smart.
Young: Now just to make sure it's really you watching this and not an imposter, what am I thinking of? On the count of three. One, two, three.
Young: Robot monkey butler.
Young: Okay, good.
Amy: Should I leave you two alone?