The Best Actor Reharsing in Car Quotes

Actor: Turn in your badge and your weapon. I don't want to see you anywhere near this investigation.
[Drinks from an imaginary cup and then pretends to crush the cup]
Actor: Crush. I don't wanna see you anywhere near this investigation!
[rehearses his lines quicker, while Handsome Rob waits at the lights impatiently]
Actor: Turn in your badge. And your weapon. I don't wanna see you anywhere this investigation.
[the lights turn green]
Handsome: Oi, it's a *green*!
Actor: [rehearsing lines again] Turn in your badge and your weapon.
Handsome: GREEN!
[Handsome Rob honks his horn repeatedly]
Actor: [driving off rehearsing his lines] Turn in your badge and your weapon, I don't wanna see you anywhere near this investigation!
[drives off and flips Handsome Rob off]
Handsome: Unbelievable!