Top 100 Quotes From Charlize Theron

[Cipher, severely injured, arrives at Dominic's house. Dominic looks at her hatefully, recalling how she had Elena killed]
Dominic: I've imagined killing you a thousand times. Last time there was six inches of reinforced glass, guns and guards. I couldn't reach you then. Now I can.
Cipher: You're gonna wanna hear my last words.
[Dom experiences a flashback of Elena's death]
Dominic: [hatefully] Did you hear Elena's last words... before you killed her?

Toast: [Max returns after killing the Bullet Farmer] Are you hurt?
Max: Huh?
Toast: You're bleeding.
Imperator: That's not his blood.

Una: We have different ways of solving problems.
Æon: Yes. You choose to ignore them.

The: Do not speak of my wife!
Queen: You miss her. What would you give to see her again? You know of my powers. Bring me the girl and I will bring back your wife.
The: Nothing can bring her back.
Queen: I can. A life for a life.

Aileen: "Love conquers all." "Every cloud has a silver lining." "Faith can move mountains." "Love will always find a way." "Everything happens for a reason." "Where there is life, there is hope."
Aileen: Oh, well... They gotta tell you somethin'

Sithandra: [drops in] You're certainly killing him kindly.
Æon: [not looking up] Situation has changed.
Sithandra: Our orders haven't.
Æon: I'm not following orders anymore.
Sithandra: Why are you doing this, Aeon?
Æon: Everything has become more complicated!
Sithandra: No. It's simple.
Æon: [getting to her feet] Trevor may not be responsible for the mistake.
Sithandra: Trevor?
Æon: I'm trying to find out who is.
Sithandra: Your mission was to kill Goodchild. And you can't or won't do that, so... give me your weapon and return to the frontier.
Æon: Didn't I teach you to think for yourself?
Sithandra: You taught me a lot more than that.

Aileen: People always look down their noses at hookers. Never give you a chance, because they think you took the easy way out, when no one could imagine the willpower it took to do what we do. Walking the streets, night after night, taking the hits and still getting back up.

Cop: Don't you want see what's inside?
Stella: I never look inside.

Trevor: There was a complication when we cured the industrial disease. The vaccine had an unintended side effect: sterility. Only one more generation of our species could survive. It was a desperate time. Cloning had never been used on humans, successfully. Now when a person dies, their DNA is recycled. Oren and I built the Relico to store DNA and to conceal the cloning process. The Keeper finds a suitable couple and using food additives, we induce a chemical pregnancy. When a woman comes in for an exam, we implant a cloned embryo. From there things happen naturally. In nine months, a citizen who died is reborn. For seven generations, Oren and I have cloned ourselves, taught ourselves, so that I could keep trying to find a cure... while we all live on.
Æon: That's what we are? Copies?
Trevor: We're more than that! It wasn't supposed to be permanent - I've been trying to cure the infertility. Una was part of my test groups. Oren lied to me - he told me her test had failed, like the others. But she had become pregnant. He killed all my subjects, your sister included.
Æon: He killed her because he was pregnant...
Trevor: Una didn't know it, but her baby would have been one of the first new children in 400 years. Oren's changed - he doesn't want to go back, he doesn't want a cure...
Æon: He wants to live forever.

[from trailer]
Queen: Do you hear that? It's the sound of battles fought and lives lost. It once pained me to know that I am the cause of such despair, but now their cries give me strength. Beauty is my power.

Queen: Mirror, mirror on the wall. Who is fairest of them all?
Mirror: My Queen, on this day one has come of age fairer even than you. She is the reason your powers wane.
Queen: Who is it?
Mirror: Snow White.
Queen: Snow White? She is my undoing? I should have killed her when she was a child!
Mirror: Be warned, her innocence and purity is all that can destroy you. But she is also your salvation, Queen. Take her heart in your hand and you shall never again need to consume youth. You shall never again weaken or age.
Queen: Immortality. Immortality forever.
Queen: Finn! Brother, bring me the King's daughter.

Hancock: I hate to burst your little crazy-lady bubble, but it most not been all that great, 'cause I don't remember you.
Mary: Call me crazy one more time.
Hancock: Cuckoo.

Claudius: We're sick. And Trevor's trying to cure us. That's all I know.
Æon: [reaches for a vial concealed in her high heels] Trevor tried to dope me. Tell me what's in this.
Claudius: [examines the vial with a glass contraption] It's a message.
Æon: Well, what does it say?
Claudius: You have to drink it. That's how it works.

Queen: Finn! Lock her up. One never knows when royal blood may be of value.

Rita: Oh, Trevor, I want to have sexual relations! I've seen your dirty magazines!
[shows cover of dirty magazine]
Trevor: Oh now, for your information, that was a cricket magazine!
[shows cover of cricket magazine next to dirty magazine]

Queen: You were the only one who could break the spell and destroy me, and the only one pure enough to save me.

Rita: And they think the stupidest things are funny.
Michael: Yeah, that's a cultural problem is what it is. You know, your average American male is in a perpetual state of adolescence, you know, arrested development.
Narrator: Hey. That's the name of the show.

Imperator: FOOL!

Aileen: [both characters break down in each other's arms] You'll come back to me and, you'll come back?
Selby: [pause] Okay.
Aileen: This will all, this will all pass, you know? You can go back home for a while, and when you come back here- and we, and we go far far away...

Mary: [to Hancock] If Ray ever finds out about me, you're dead.

Mary: [referring to Hancock] Did he... just take the whiskey bottle to the bathroom?
Ray: Do you want him to kill us all?

Imperator: Hey. What's your name? What do I call you?
Max: Does it matter?
Imperator: Fine. When I yell "fool," you drive out of here as fast as you can.

Stella: [in her hotel room] What did you do to your hand?
Charlie: I punched Steve.
Stella: Well, why do you get to punch him and I don't?
Charlie: Because those hands are way too valuable.

Charlie: [playing basketball with Handome Rob when his phone rings] Hello?
Stella: I want to see the look on that man's face when his gold is gone. He took my father from me, I'm taking this.
[hangs up]
Charlie: [to Handsome Rob] She's in.

Aileen: Fuckin' office job! Who the fuck wants a job like that? You fuckin' sit at a little desk, you got your little phone, you got your little fuckin' piece of paper, your little pen, you write shit down, blah blah blah. Fuck, a monkey could do that shit man!

Rita: You could always make land. On the ocean.

Young: You're so beautiful.
Queen: That's kind, child. Especially when it's said that yours is the face of true beauty in this kingdom. This all must be difficult for you. I too lost my mother when I was a young girl. I can never take your mother's place, ever. But I feel that you and I are bound. I feel it there, your heart.

Stella: [over the phone] Why don't you just come by? We'll have some breakfast, hmm?
John: Well, it'd be a long trip. I'm in Venice.
Stella: With your parole officer's approval, of course?
John: Well, I like the guy Stella, you know that. But we never really connected.

Aileen: [Aileen has reluctantly forced a man into the woods after he discovered that she has a gun] I can't...
Horton: You don't have to. You're just having a hard time.
Aileen: No! I can't let you live!
Horton: Oh God... my wife... my wife... my daughter's having a baby.
Aileen: SHUT THE FUCK UP! Oh God... oh God I'm sorry...
[She shoots him]

Imperator: You never gonna have a better chance.
Max: At what?
Imperator: Redemption.

Stella: You know this was never about the gold.
Steve: What ever helps you sleep at night sweetheart.
[Stella punches Steve]
Steve: Bitch! Charlie! Come on, Charlie!

Aileen: "All you need is love and to believe in yourself."
Aileen: Nice idea. It doesn't exactly work out that way. But I guess it was better to hear a flat-out lie than to know the truth at 13.

Queen: You are one of the few who has ventured into the dark forest. One of my prisoners has escaped there.
The: Then he is dead.
Queen: She.
The: Then she is certainly dead.

Selby: [angrily crying] Why did you quit hooking?
Aileen: Because- cause, I needed to, alright?
Selby: Because you thought I was stupid enough to support you!
Aileen: No! Selby...
Selby: That you wouldn't even have to fuck me to get it because I'm so hard-up!
Aileen: NO! No, Selby. That's not the reason...
Selby: You said we were gonna party, party, party, Lee! Well, there hasn't been a fucking party!
Aileen: [nods] I know! But...
Selby: What have you done about it? NOTHING... when I tell you that I'm starving!
Aileen: I know, alright? I just...
Selby: 'Cause you're using me...
Aileen: NO! I...
Aileen: [grabs her head holding her up close] BECAUSE I *FUCKING KILLED* SOMEONE, ALRIGHT?

Imperator: How does it feel?
The: It hurts.
Imperator: Out here, everything hurts. You wanna get through this? Do as I say. Now pick up what you can and run.

Mae: He's in L.A., she's in Japan, how do I get these two characters together?
Rita: You could always walk. Along the ocean. If it's not too deep.
Mae: No! Deep is good! People are going to say "what the hell just happened?" and I'd better say I like it because nobody wants to seem stupid!
Rita: The Ocean Walker.
Mae: Holy crap, that's gonna look good on a hat!

Æon: I had a family once, I had a life. Now all I have is a mission.

Steve: So if I was to ask you out for dinner, would I be the first one of your customers to ever do that?
Stella: [pretending to be Becky, cable repairman] Did you ask your last cable repair guy out to dinner?
Steve: No. But the last one was like three hundred pounds and had a handlebar mustache, not exactly my type.

Hancock: The way you deal with bullies - you take your right foot, bring it right up and catch him in his little piss pump.
Mary: You don't have to do that, honey. Okay? Seriously.
Aaron: It's a good idea.
Hancock: You aim straight, make sure he can't use that thing for nothin' but a flap to keep the dust out of his butt crack.

Aileen: Life is funny... it's hard. But it's also strange, how things can be so different than you think. I remember I was just a kid in before age club. Set up this beautiful gigantic red and yellow ferris wheel. It lit up to nite sky. They called it. the Monster

Aileen: I'm not a bad person. I'm a real good person.

[Doctor Strange walks through New York]
Clea: [appears] Doctor Strange.
Dr. Stephen Strange: [turns to a sorceress named Clea] Can I help you?
Clea: You caused an incursion, and we're gonna fix it.
[began to slashed a hole in space to the Dark Dimension]
Clea: Unless you're afraid.
Dr. Stephen Strange: Not in the least.
[they both go through]

Æon: We're meant to die. It's what makes everything about us matter.

Vincent: [moves on Lee] Hold on, hold on. Suck me a bit first. Come on, suck me...
Aileen: No, man. That's not the fucking deal.
[she pulls back from him]
Vincent: Oh come on, I'll give you ten more dollars, come on...
Aileen: [whispers] No...
Vincent: [begins screaming] Ten more FUCKING DOLLARS, YOU FUCKING BITCH!
[knocks Lee out cold]

Æon: We can't go to a Monican safe house.
Trevor: Nowhere's gonna be safe for us.

Cmdr. Kelly Grayson: So, Captain Lavesque, where are you from orginally?
Pria: Ah, I was born on Earth. Massachusetts, actually.
Capt. Ed Mercer: No kidding? I'm from Massachusetts.
Pria: Really? What part?
Capt. Ed Mercer: Little town called Boxford.
Pria: I'm from Andover!
Capt. Ed Mercer: Oh my god, we were neighbors!
Pria: Did you ever go to the Salem Witch Museum as a kid?
Capt. Ed Mercer: My mother took me when I was ten. It scared the crap out of me.
Pria: That holographic recreation of the Giles Corey interrogation?
Capt. Ed Mercer: Yes! Where they kept piling the rocks on top of him to get him to confess? And he was going: MORE WEIGHT!

[from trailer]
Cipher: [waking up on operating table alongside Letty] Good morning, sunshine.
Letty: You gotta be kidding me.

Megyn: All I want is for this to go away, Roger.
Roger: Look, every general in history has gone into battle feeling the same.

Æon: [hands over baby, who is really her cloned sister, Una, to parents] She's gonna be a handful.

Megyn: If I learned anything this year, it's to not get sucked into a fight with someone who has better reason to be in it than you do.

Aileen: [after being sentenced to death] Thank you, judge. And may you rot in hell! Sending a *raped* woman to death! And you all... you're a bunch of scum that's what you are!

Wrench: [upon first seeing Stella] Whoa, whoa whoa! We didn't get a chance to meet! Wrench.
Stella: [slapping a wrapped hoagie into his outstretched hand] Ham and cheese.
Wrench: [everyone laughs] Oh, that's cold. Damn, that's cold.

Queen: My brother tells me you are a widower. A drunkard. And one of few who has ventured into the Dark Forest.
The: Aye.
Queen: One of my prisoners has escaped there.
The: Then he's dead.
Queen: She.
The: She is certainly dead.
Queen: Find her. Bring her to me.
The: No, I've been to that forest. I'm not going back.
Queen: You will be rewarded handsomely.
The: What good is gold to me if I'm lying dead with the crows picking at my eyes? Why is she of such value?
Queen: That is none of your concern.
The: I'll determine what concerns me, thank you.
Queen: [yelling] You will do this for me, huntsman!
The: And if I refuse?
[guards point spears at him]
The: Do me the favor, I beg of you.

[from trailer]
Mirror: My queen, you have defied nature and robbed it of its fairest root. But on this day there is one more beautiful than you.
Queen: Who is it?
Mirror: Snow White.

Mary: [referring to Hancock] We broke up decades ago. Long before you were born. He just can't remember.
Ray: But you can. Right? You knew? That's something you might want to bring up on the first date, Mary. "I don't like to travel. I'm allergic to cats. I'm immortal." Okay? Those are some of the things you might want to give a little heads-up on.
Mary: Whatever we are, we were built in twos, okay? We were drawn to each other. No matter how far I run, he's always there. He finds me. It's physics.
Ray: What are you saying? Are you saying you two are fated to be together?
Mary: I've lived for a very long time, Ray. And the one thing I've learned: Fate doesn't decide everything. People get to choose.
Hancock: And you chose to let me think I was here alone.
Mary: I didn't think you'd miss what you didn't remember.

Hancock: You and I...
Mary: You and I what?
Hancock: ...we're the same.
Mary: No. I'm stronger.
Hancock: Really?
Mary: [smiling] Oh yeah.
Hancock: Who are we?
Mary: Gods, angels... Different cultures call us by different names. Now all of a sudden it's superhero.
Hancock: Are there more of us?
Mary: There were. They all died. It's just the two of us.

Selby: I just wanna live, Lee. I just want a normal happy life. I don't know why you did this.
Aileen: Because I love you. Because I love you and I never wanna to loose you and that's all. I love you from my heart, my soul, my mind. And I never let you down. All right? Because it was me. It was only me. And I'll tell them that, ok. It's over for me now. And I never gonna see you again.
Selby: Yeah, I know.
Aileen: I wish there was a way that people can forgive you for something about this, you know. But they can't. They can't, man. So I gonna die, Sel... Hey Sel, I'll never forget you. Good bye, baby. Bye baby.
Selby: Good bye, Lee.

Queen: You see, child, love always betrays us. By fairest blood it was done and only by fairest blood can it be undone. You were the only one who could break the spell and destroy me. And the only one pure enough to save me. You don't even realize how lucky you are never to know what it is to grow old!

[Æon plans to destroy the Relico]
Trevor: This isn't the answer, Æon! There's no guarantee I can find the cure again! Cloning is all we have!
Æon: It's not enough! Our minds are unravelling and every time you bring us back it gets worse!
Trevor: If you do this, we end!
Æon: We're meant to die - that's what makes anything about us matter. Living like this is torture - we're just ghosts...
Trevor: That's not how I feel - not now...

Steve: [in a restaurant] The gang's all here.
Stella: You know, the only thing worse than a thief is a coward.
Steve: Then you shoulda seen the way your daddy begged for his life.

Trevor: [to Aeon, in her cell] Catherine?
[she wakes up and take in the cell, before Trevor appears]
Trevor: Aeon?
Æon: You called me by another name earlier.
Trevor: I did and you let me live.
Æon: [provokingly] Give me my gun. We'll try it again.
Trevor: [smirks] Maybe later.
Æon: What was that name?
Trevor: You know me, don't you?
Æon: [raged] No!
Trevor: Do you know who you are?
Æon: I know I came here to kill you.
Trevor: That's why you're in a cell. But we're both still alive for a reason.
[turns to walk away]
Trevor: I don't know what this is... but it's good to see you.

Charlie: [on the Coast Starlight] Guys, I want to make a toast. To John Bridger. The most brilliant master planner of all. Father and friend.
Stella: To my Dad.

[Æon, looking for an explanation, hands Trevor the photo she found in his lab. He takes it from her without a word and sets off]
Æon: Trevor... the name you called me?
Trevor: ...Catherine.
Æon: That was my name...
Trevor: You were my wife. We had a life together just like anybody else...
Æon: [grabbing his hand] Wait! You need to tell me!
Trevor: I lost you during the disease and you couldn't be brought back. I've lived and died seven times since then, and each time I taught myself about you. You were an idea I kept alive, something I had to imagine. But when I saw you, what I felt was real, and I knew you, I remembered you. What we had together has survived all that time...
Æon: ...and I was looking for you.
Trevor: ...and I've been waiting.
Æon: We were different people.
Trevor: We were.
Æon: Those people are gone...
Trevor: ...but something in them came back.

Æon: I know I came here to kill you...
Trevor: That's why you're in a cell.

Ray: Why were you flying? You were flying, Mary.
Hancock: Yeah, she was definitely flying.
Mary: Okay, I was flying. And I'm very strong as well. It's just the way we are.
Ray: We?
Mary: Me and him. It's just us now. All the others paired up and died.
Hancock: Oh, you didn't say anything about the others paired up, at the trailer.
Ray: You were at his trailer.
Mary: It's very hard for me to explain.
Ray: Great, I'm all ears, Mary.
Hancock: Me too.
Ray: Do me a favor. Just give me and my wife one moment.
Hancock: Hey, don't... Don't bring it here, Ray.
Ray: The adults are talking, for one second.

Aileen: [points to the bartender] You owe me change!
Aileen: Fuck it. I'm outta here!
Selby: Oh, are you sure-
[touches Lee's shoulder]
Aileen: [rises from chair and pushes Selby off] GET YOUR FUCKIN' HANDS OFF ME, YOU DUMB DYKE! I'm not gonna fuck you for a fucking beer, alright? So, stop wasting your fuckin' time!

[about John]
Charlie: Just because he was around me more doesn't mean he wasn't thinking about you all the time.
Stella: [Sniffling] It would be nice if it was true.
Charlie: It is true. He always regretted not having been a good enough father to you, Stella.
Stella: How do you know that?
Charlie: Because he told me.

Steve: Still don't trust me?
Stella: I trust everyone. It's the devil inside them I don't trust.
Steve: That's an interesting saying. It's very charming. I knew a guy who said that. He said it all the time. In fact he said it exactly like that.

Æon: [in Trevor's quarters, coming from the shadows] Why am I here?
Trevor: [turns to face her] I needed to see you again.
Æon: [begins circling the room] You killed my sister!
Trevor: I didn't know anything about it... I'm sorry.
Æon: And the excuses you?
Trevor: No. But this is a war. People on all sides die.
Æon: She shouldn't have. She had nothing to do with this.
Trevor: Everyone's involved in this.
Æon: [furious] She wasn't.
[looks down at her gun]
Æon: I don't need that to kill you.
Trevor: [smiles] But it would be easier, wouldn't it?... Everything changed when I saw you... I know you and you know me.
Æon: [grabs up her weapon, starts walking backwards] Why do I know you? Why?
Trevor: [lowers her arm with his hands, advancing slowly] Why did you come back? What do you want from me?
Æon: [grabs his jacket, forcing him to the wall] What do I want? I want my sister back! I want to remember what it feels like to be a person.
[begins kisses Trevor]
Trevor: [breathless] Aeon.
Æon: [shoves him away] Why do I feel this way around you?
[begins kissing him again]

John: [over the phone] I'm sending you something.
Stella: Does it smell nice?
John: No. But it's sparkly.
Stella: [sounding slightly angry] Does it have a receipt?

Megyn: Just to be clear. I will not be kissing Trump's a** at nine o'clock.
Roger: We fight tomorrow's fights tomorrow.

[Max appears and heads off Furiosa, the Wives, and the Vuvalini. They brake to a stop, and Max shows Furiosa a map]
Max: [points to the Citadel] All right. This is your way home.
Imperator: [incredulous] We go back?
Max: Mmm.
Toast: [incredulous] Back?
Max: Yeah.
The: I thought you weren't insane anymore.

Queen: How is it that an innocent, young girl makes a fool of my brother? Armed only with a nail. If she'd had a sword she would have taken my kingdom. Bring me the King's daughter and you let her slip right through your tiny little fingers. How? You swore that you would protect me! You swore! Now there's no one I can trust. No one! There's no loyalty, no loyalty. None! Not even from you!

[from trailer]
The: Why is she of such value?
Queen: That is none of your concern.
The: And if I refuse?
[the guards all level their spears at him]

Megyn: Early on he realized for a network to stay on 24 hours a day you need something to hold an audience. That something is legs. There's a reason for clear desks.

[first lines]
Aileen: I always wanted to be in the movies.
Aileen: When I was little I thought for sure that one day, I could be a big, big star. Or maybe just beautiful... beautiful and rich, like the women on TV. Yeah, I had a lot of dreams. And I guess you can call me a real romantic, because I truly believe that one day, they'll come true. So I dreamed about it for hours. As the years went by, I learnt to stop sharing them with people. They said I was dreaming. But back then, I believed it whole heartily.
Aileen: So whenever I was down, I would just escape into my mind... to my other life, where I was someone else. It made me happy to think that all these people just didn't know yet who I was gonna be. But one day they'll all see.

Charlie: [after opening Steve's safe] Don't you want to see what's inside?
Stella: Absolutely.

Selby: Thanks Lee.
Aileen: No problem.
Aileen: How's your arm?
Selby: It's okay. It's kinda white and it smells kinda weird too.
Selby: Was it okay?
Aileen: Yeah it was fine - cause I knew I was coming home to you.
Selby: Really?
[Aileen nods her head yes]
Aileen: [pause] I love you.
Selby: I love you too.

Trevor: This is an empty gesture.
Æon: [cocks assaults rifle] It's a leap of faith.
Trevor: It's not for you to decide.

Imperator: And how exactly do we take the Citadel, assuming we're still alive by then?
Toast: If we can block the pass, it'll be easy. All that's left are his War Pups, and War Boys too sick to fight.
Capable: And we'll be with Nux. He's a War Boy. He'll be bringing us home, bringing back what's stolen, like he's supposed to.
[Everyone turns to look at Nux]
Nux: Yeah... feels like hope.

Aileen: In my life, it has always been the harmless stuff that hurt the most. When there're things so horribly, you can't even imagine it. It's usually a lot easier than you think. You never really know, until you're the one standing there.

[Æon has set bombs aboard the Relico]
Æon: I have to end it.
Keeper: Yes...
Keeper: start over...
Æon: What about you?
Keeper: [a weary smile on his face] I've waited 400 years for this day.
[shakes his head]
Keeper: I'm tired.
[Æon turns to leave]
Keeper: [calling after her] Stay alive, Æon! You are needed!

[first lines]
Æon: [narrating] Some called Bregna the perfect society. Some call it the height of human civilization. But others know better. The Goodchilds built Bregna to ensure us a future. They built the Relico, a memorial to remind us of what we've survived. They built walls to protect us. They tell us that outside, nature has retaken the world. But the real problems lie within. We are haunted by sorrows we cannot name. People disappear and our government denies these crimes. The Goodchild regime provides for us, as long as we stay quiet. So we trade freedom for a gilded cage. But there are rebels who refuse to make that trade, who fight to overthrow a government that silences us, who fight in the name of the disappeared. They call themselves the Monicans. I am one of them.

Aileen: I loved her. And the thing no one ever realized about me or believed was that I could learn. I could train myself into anything. People always look down their noses at hookers. Never give you a chance cause they think you took the easy way out. When no one could imagine the will power it took to do what we do, walking the streets night after night. Taking the hits and still getting back up. But I did and they'd all miss out. Cause they had no idea what I could discipline myself too and I believed in something - and I believed in her.

[while getting bullets out of Trevor Goodchild's body]
Æon: Did any of them manage to miss you?

Aileen: I was beautiful like a diamond in the rough.

Rita: Oh Michael, you're such a (bleep).
Narrator: I cant believe we had to bleep that out. That would have been such a nice moment.

Ray: What about you, buddy? You're from another planet, aren't you?
Hancock: No man, I'm from Miami.
Ray: You didn't come on in, like, a meteor or...
Hancock: Nope. Woke up at a hospital, first thing I remember.
Ray: Government hospital. Yes? Experimenting on you and...
Hancock: No, Ray. Regular old Miami emergency room.
Ray: Come on.
Hancock: Yeah, uh, my skull was fractured. They told me I tried to, uh, stop a mugging.
Ray: Somebody knocked you out.
Hancock: Guess I was a regular guy before and when I woke up, I was changed. Uh, and the hospital nurse tried to put a needle in my arm and it just broke against my skin. And then my skull healed, in, like in an hour. The doctors were astounded and, uh, they wanted to know my story. Just like you. But, uh, I couldn't tell 'em. I don't know who I am.
Mary: Amnesia. You know, the blow to the head.
Hancock: Yeah, well, that's what they figure.
Ray: You don't remember anything?
Hancock: No. Only thing I had in my pocket was bubble-gum, two movie tickets. Boris Karloff. Uh, Frankenstein. Uh... But no ID, nothing. I went to sign out. The, uh, nurse asked me for my John Hancock. And, uh... I actually thought that's who I was.

King: Fear not. You will come to no harm from me or my men. What is your name, my lady?
Queen: Ravenna, Sire.
The: [narration] So enchanted by her beauty was the king he forgot for the first time his broken heart. And the very next day she would become his wife.

Aileen: So I made a deal. I said God I gotta spend this 5 bucks but when it's gone so am I so, if you got something for me in this life you better bring it on, and there she was.

[from trailer]
Queen: Lips red as blood, hair black as night, bring me your heart, my dear, dear Snow White.

Æon: You cloned her...
Trevor: I cloned everybody.

Aileen: Everybody just thinks I'm this bad shitty fucking person, and all I'm fucking tryin' to do is survive, you know?
Thomas: I know. I know what you do for a living. It doesn't bother me. I know you didn't dial it up on a goddamn telephone. That's where you landed. That's what you had to do. What you're feeling right now is just guilt, over something you had absolutely no control over. You know how many of us came back from the war? And almost killed ourselves because we felt exactly the same thing you do, right now.
Aileen: Yeah?
Thomas: Yeah. And they'll never get it. They'll never get it now, they never got it then, and they sure as hell won't get fucking circumstance!
Aileen: Fuck, man, circumstance, that's exactly it, that's exactly it. You know I feel like I never even had a fucking choice.
Thomas: You never did. But you gotta live. You gotta live.

First: Do you always work in the dark?
Stella: Makes me feel like I'm alone.

Cmdr. Kelly Grayson: How many times have you done this?
Pria: When we get to my century, I'll introduce you to Amelia Earhart.

Selby: We can be as different as we wanna be, but you can't kill people!
Aileen: SAYS WHO? I'm good with the Lord. I'm fine with him. And I know how you were raised, alright? And I know how people fuckin' think out there, and fuck, it's gotta be that way. They've gotta tell you that 'Thou shall not kill' shit and all of that. But that's not the way the world works, Selby. Cuz I'm out there every fuckin' day living it. Who the fuck knows what God wants? People kill each other every day and for what? Hm? For politics, for religion, and THEY'RE HEROES! No, no... there's a lot of shit I can't do anymore, but killing's not one of them. And letting those fucking bastards go out and rape someone else isn't either!

Queen: I shall give this wretched world the queen it deserves.

Megyn: They have a contractual right to monitor our communications. A hotline in this building is like a complaint box in occupied Paris. It's like we're telling women "Go on, speak up for yourself. Just know the entire network is with Roger. No one will believe you. They'll call you a liar. Oh, and as for your career, you want assignments and airtime? Go ahead, call the paranoid man who decides your salary a pervert, and do that on a fucking anonymous hotline he controls on a phone he has a contractual right to record." Jesus fucking Christ, do you think women are idiots? It's like somebody stripped you naked and they want you to walk through this office just to fucking prove it.

Cipher: [staring intently at Jakob's facial features]
Cipher: Well that's quite a distinct chin you've got there Jakob
[Jakob is stoic as she leans in closer]
Cipher: I knew you Toretto's had mixed bloodlines...
[slight smile... as he shows disdain]
Cipher: ... But I never detected/expected a Nordic trait.

Aileen: So where's your friends?
Selby: Well... Uh... I'm not...
Aileen: [laughs]
Selby: You're mean!