The Best Alex Høgh Andersen Quotes

Ivar: In the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country. And in the name of Odin, we declare war... on the whole world.

Ivar: Get off me!
Ragnar: I'm not going to stand around all day watching you try to be normal, when you never will be.
[takes off Ivar's walking tool and throws it away]
Ivar: [shouts] I am normal!
Ragnar: No, you are not. Once you realize that, that is when greatness will happen. Now crawl!

Ragnar: I have some good news. King Ecbert has arranged for a boat. You are going home.
Ivar: I'm not going without you.
Ragnar: They aren't going to release me. I have to die.
Ivar: [scoffs] Then I'll die too. I'm thinking of being burned alive.
Ragnar: Don't be stupid. I don't want you to die. It is far more important that you stay alive. People think that you are not a threat. But I know differently. Out of all of my sons, it was you I wanted to bring here. And it is you that I believe is the most important to the future of our people.
Ivar: [bitterly] I'm just about prepared to believe you.
[Ragnar grabs him by the front of his shirt]
Ragnar: Shut up and listen, idiot. You have many gifts. Anger is a gift!
[he points to Ivar's temple]
Ragnar: What is in here is a gift! You do not think like other men! You are unpredictable. And that will serve you well. Use your anger intelligently, and I promise you, my son, that one day the whole world will know and fear Ivar the Boneless.
Ivar: I wish... I wish I wasn't so angry all the time.
Ragnar: Then you would be nothing.
Ivar: I might have been happy.
Ragnar: Happiness is nothing.
Ivar: I was only joking. Idiot.
[he playfully slaps Ragnar's head]
Ragnar: [sighs] Ecbert is handing me over to King Aelle, who will kill me.
Ivar: If this Aelle is going to kill you, then me and all my brothers will seek him for revenge, and you know that.
Ragnar: [smiles] Yes. Oh, you must seek revenge. But not on Aelle. On Ecbert.
[Ivar nods]
Ragnar: Everyone will always underestimate you. You must make them pay for it.
[he takes off his arm ring and presses it into Ivar's hands]
Ivar: [voice breaking] I will, Father.
[Ragnar pulls him in for a hug and whispers in his ear as the guards enter the cell]
Ragnar: Be ruthless.
[the guards drag Ivar out]

Ivar: In the name of our dead father, in the name of Ragnar Lothbrok, the greatest hero of our country. And in the name of Odin, we declare war... on the whole world.