The Best John Kavanagh Quotes

Cardinal: I have received a petition from the dukes of Suffolk and Norfolk and Lord Boleyn, saying the divorce has an overwhelming support of the people of England.
Sir: As Your Eminence would quickly discover if he stepped outside these doors and saw the people, that is a manifest lie. On the contrary, the people love their queen and they have every reason to do so.

Richard: I've seen many a good soldier run away, and live to fight another die.
Father: So have I!

Patrick: There must be something you can do for him, Father!
Father: I'm a priest: I pray for him.
Patrick: Is that the best you can do for him?

The: What is it you wish to ask the gods?
Lagertha: Will I ever bear another child, o wise one?
The: I cannot see another child, no matter how far I look
Lagertha: Then... what do you see?
The: I see a harvest celebrated in blood. I see a trickster whose weapon cleaves you. I see a city made of marble. And a burning broiling ocean.
Lagertha: Not one of your prophecies do I understand
The: It is the way of the prophecy. Only to be understood when it has happened and it is too late to change it.

[asked why he, an Irishman, spies on the French for the British]
Father: I think the theological reasoning would bore you, Sharpe...

Colonel: What's it to you priest? You hate the British!
Father: I'm Irish. John Bull's a bad neighbour, but Bonaparte's a bully, and so are you!

Rollo: [Viciously rubbing the wrist bearing the bracelet signifying fealty to Ragnar] Ragnar was always chosen over me. By my father. And my mother. And by Lagertha. Why would I not want to betray him? Why would I not want to scream at him saying, I am alive, too! It doesn't matter what I do. Ragnar is my father. He is my mother. He is Lagertha. Siggy. He is *everything* I cannot do. Everything I cannot be. I love him. He is my brother. He has taken me back. But, I am so angry. *Why* am I still so angry? You tell me wise one! Or, I will tell you. It is because I am useless. Hollowed out by failed ambitions. By failed loves. Nothing good could ever come from my life now.
[the Seer starts laughing]
Rollo: What is there to laugh about?
The: Oh, Rollo, if you truly knew what the gods have in store for you, you would go down now and dance naked on the beach.
Rollo: I don't understand.
The: I tell you as I told Ragnar. The bear will marry a princess. And I can tell you that you will be present at the ceremony. Now go and leave me.

Father: Irish?
Patrick: Indeed I am.
Father: Then you'll serve Mass on Sunday.
[Harper's face falls, much to the riflemen's amusement]

Father: If he were a dog, I'd shoot him. But God in his mercy is sending him a fever: soon he'll feel nothing. He'll be dead by dawn.

[Harper is wounded]
Patrick: Am I going to die this time, Father?
Father: Yes, my son. Have you any last wishes?
Patrick: I wish I'd married Ramona, Father.
Father: I can grant you that before you go. Quickly, now. Do you Patrick Harper take this woman to be your lawful wedded wife? Say "I do!"
Patrick: I do.
Father: Do you Ramona Gonzales take this man to be your husband? Say "I do!"
Ramona: I do.
Father: I now pronounce you man and wife. Now, get up and kiss the bride.
Patrick: I thought you said I was going to die, Father!
Father: Sure, we're ALL going to die, Patrick.