The Best Rollo Quotes

Rollo: [Viciously rubbing the wrist bearing the bracelet signifying fealty to Ragnar] Ragnar was always chosen over me. By my father. And my mother. And by Lagertha. Why would I not want to betray him? Why would I not want to scream at him saying, I am alive, too! It doesn't matter what I do. Ragnar is my father. He is my mother. He is Lagertha. Siggy. He is *everything* I cannot do. Everything I cannot be. I love him. He is my brother. He has taken me back. But, I am so angry. *Why* am I still so angry? You tell me wise one! Or, I will tell you. It is because I am useless. Hollowed out by failed ambitions. By failed loves. Nothing good could ever come from my life now.
[the Seer starts laughing]
Rollo: What is there to laugh about?
The: Oh, Rollo, if you truly knew what the gods have in store for you, you would go down now and dance naked on the beach.
Rollo: I don't understand.
The: I tell you as I told Ragnar. The bear will marry a princess. And I can tell you that you will be present at the ceremony. Now go and leave me.

Rollo: [Seated with his back at Ragnar's coffin, his voice low but clear] I have always resented you. It's true. I'm not denying it. I'm sorry your dead, but it happens to all of us, sooner or later. It's just funny that the gods took you first.
[His voice deepens with resentment]
Rollo: I always thought they favored you. You thought so, too.
[a small breathless laugh]
Rollo: It seems we were both mistaken.

Rollo: I wanted to step out of your shadow. You understand that, don't you?

Rollo: [Fiercely] I love you. And I love my children. But, I cannot deny that part of me which is still Viking. No matter how hard I try.
Princess: Perhaps you don't try hard enough.
Rollo: [Softly, desperately trying to make her understand] When you... you hear thunder... it's only thunder. But for me,
[fierce again]
Rollo: it is still Thor, beating his hammer!

Rollo: [Rallying the French to do battle against the Vikings] All of my life and all of your lives have come to this point. There is nowhere else to be but here. Nowhere else to live or die but here. To be here now is the *only* thing that matters. So, gather yourselves. Gather all of your strength, all of your sweetness into an iron ball. For we will attack again and again until we reach and overcome their king or die in the attempt! We will attack! Attack! Attack! Blow the horns! Beat the drums! And have courage! For there will be no turning back. Only victory! Or death!

Rollo: [to Bjorn about Porinn who was gravely injured in battle] I do not think she will die. She wants to live. She has a lot to live for. But, if she hears you weeping and lamenting, she will choose to die. Be strong. Be a man. Coax her back from Valhalla. But, make it worth her while. For she is already at the gates.

Rollo: [to Ragnar and Floki who are arguing about why they fight for the Christians and risk losing their own people] Both of you, save your breath. We have a mountain to climb. Some of us will not see a dawn like this again... not here on Midgard, at any rate. So, let us try and speak well of each other... no matter how much we have been through together.

Floki: A creaking bow, a burning flame,
Rollo: Tide on the ebb, new ice, a coiled snake,
Floki: Sons of a king, an ailing calf, a witch's flattery.
Rollo: No man should be such a fool as to trust these things.
Floki: No man should trust the word of a woman.
Floki: The hearts of women were turned on a whirling wheel.
Rollo: To love a fickle woman is like setting out over ice on a three year old colt or sailing a ship without a rudder.