The Best Floki Quotes

Floki: Who needs a reason for betrayal? One must always think the worst Ragnar, even of your own kin. That way, you avoid too much disappointment in life.

Floki: [laughs]

King: Forgive me Floki. I know I should trust you but I need proof.
Floki: Proof?
King: Yes, prove to me I can trust you. Prove to me you are on my side.
Floki: How can I prove it?
King: Kill someone. Someone who matters.

King: Floki, you have betrayed the gods.
Floki: No, King Horik. I only betrayed you.

Siggy: [Floki sees King Horik affectionately touch Siggy's shoulder as he leaves her company; Siggy walks over to Floki] Can you keep a secret?
Floki: [he sniggers] No.

Floki: Rollo! Betrayer of the gods and all the sacred things in Midgard. Come here, you snake. Come me way and let my axe slake its thirst on your blood! Come to Floki. Come to Floki, you bastard, I am waiting.

Floki: [At Ragnar's coffin, emotions ranging from grief to fury and back] So then. I made you the boat that took you to fame. I made the boat that will take you to your heaven.
Floki: Give my regards to Athelstan, by the way. You betrayed us. You betrayed your heritage. You betrayed our future. You betrayed *me*! I loved you more than anyone. I loved you more than that *priest* ever loved you. But, it made no difference. You always thought, oh, it's just Floki! No need to bother about Floki. He's just a fool.
[Pounding the coffin, then falling to his knees]
Floki: I *hated* you, Ragnar Lothbrok!
[His voice softens]
Floki: And I love you with all my heart. Why did you turn me away from myself?

King: It is my judgement that a boat builder is worth ten earls.
Floki: And how many kings?

Floki: [Walking to meet with Rollo] You see how well treachery pays off, Bjorn?
Bjorn: Don't do anything stupid.
Floki: I've never done anything stupid in my life. But, I am beginning to wonder if dying would be better than dealing with this scum!

Ubbe: Do you have any advice, Floki?
Floki: Advice? Always take stones out of your shoe. That's good advice.

Floki: A creaking bow, a burning flame,
Rollo: Tide on the ebb, new ice, a coiled snake,
Floki: Sons of a king, an ailing calf, a witch's flattery.
Rollo: No man should be such a fool as to trust these things.
Floki: No man should trust the word of a woman.
Floki: The hearts of women were turned on a whirling wheel.
Rollo: To love a fickle woman is like setting out over ice on a three year old colt or sailing a ship without a rudder.

Floki: But warriors don't show their heart, until the axe reveals it.
Bjorn: You are so wise, Floki.
Floki: I'm not wise at all.
Floki: I'm just a joker.

Helga: We think you will soon have boats ready to take you to the Mediterranean Sea.
Floki: [Scoffs] If it exists.
Bjorn: Of course, it exists.
Floki: [Referring to the map that Bjorn has treasured and studied for years] It's just a map, Bjorn. Marks on a paper. A child could have drawn it. How can we know it's real?
Bjorn: I learned from my father. The only way to tell if something is real... is to sail there. I hope you'll come with me, Floki.
Floki: [Looking outraged] Are you joking? The lure of an imaginary land. Traveling somewhere that doesn't exist?
[Then smiling]
Floki: Of course, I'm coming.

Floki: I'm crazy and cracked. There is something wrong with me...

Floki: I no longer know who I am. Why I am here? I feel like an empty vessel. I'm all alone. I need something to fill me up.

Floki: We've been to Hel and back!

Floki: [Grieving over Torstein] This is your fault, Ragnar. Torstein has died for a hill he did not want to own. For something which meant nothing to him. He has died a pointless death. How many more of us must die for your Christians? Or have you, in your heart, already renounced our gods and turned to the Christ God? Is that what your friend Athelstan has persuaded you to do? Look. Here we are... under an English sky... burying our dead... those we have sacrificed for Jesus Christ.
Ragnar: We are all fated to die on a certain day, yes? But, it is our own choice to do as we please until that day comes. I did not force Torstein, or any of you to come for that matter. You all chose to be here. My heart is as heavy for Torstein as anyone's. But, I am sure that I will bump into him again soon. In the meantime, Floki, shut your face.