The Best Alura Quotes

Zor: You took the Omegahedron.
Zaltar: That's not correct. I lost the Omegahedron.
Kara: Oh, no, Father. I did.
Zaltar: Shh, Kara.
Zor: No matter who. Without it, this city can't survive more than a few days.
Alura: Our lights will grow dim, and the very air we breathe so thin.
Zaltar: I know. So I shall find it. I shall go right to the end of inner space and I shall return it.
Zor: Impossible. How? No one can leave Argo City, and you know it. This is our universe, and you've destroyed it with a game, a childish game.
Zaltar: I think it can be done. Through there. The Binary Chute, in the Traveler.

Alura: Zaltar, my husband tells me you talk of leaving Argo City. For where?
Zaltar: Parts unknown. It is, alas, a fact. You and Zor-El have a life here. You have each other, and you have Kara.
Alura: But, Zaltar, you founded this city. It's yours.
Zaltar: As far as the eye can see, right to the veil, smack, and then what? What is beyond? Alura, I cannot contain myself to Argo City only. My head is boiling with ideas. My imagination is too vast. It's uncontrollable.
Alura: If you want my opinion, Zaltar, you're starting to repeat yourself here with all this airy, glittery stuff.
Zaltar: Exactly. That's why I'm going to Venus.
Alura: Venus? When?
Zaltar: Tomorrow. Or the next day, at the latest.
Alura: Zaltar, have you thought about this? It doesn't make sense to me.
Zaltar: I have thought, intensely. My mind is made up.

[as Kara goes through the Binary Chute]
Alura: She'll be killed.
Zaltar: Oh, no, she won't. She will be safe. Through the binary. Through the warp. Into another register.
Zor: Another what?
Zaltar: Gravitational radiation. A pathway from inner space to outer space.
Alura: Then she'll never be the same, ever.
Zor: At least she'll be alive.
Zaltar: And my fate is sealed. I've lost the Omegahedron. I must be sent to the Phantom Zone. Your suffering will be short. Mine... forever.