The Best Lucy Lane Quotes

Lucy: All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced. I could do it for you, it's easy. You just get a needle, heat it up, dab it with some alcohol, and zap! The guys go crazy!
Linda: My ears what?
Lucy: Pierced. Like and you know, I take a needle, and then I heat it up, dab it with some alcohol and, zap, all the guys go crazy.
Linda: Because I have holes in my ears?
Lucy: What, are you putting me on? Sometimes I can't figure you out, Linda.

Lucy: So, who's your cousin?
Linda: Clark Kent.
Lucy: You're kidding me. Clark Kent's your cousin? You're putting me on.
Linda: Do you know him?
Lucy: Do I know him? Does my sister know him? Now, that's the big question.

Mr. Danvers: Lucy Lee, this is Linda Lane.
Lucy: No, it isn't. She's Linda Lee, and I'm...
Linda: Lucy Lane.
Mr. Danvers: You two know each other?
Linda: Oh, no, we just met.
Mr. Danvers: Really? When?
Lucy: Just now. Though we've known each other for years, haven't we, Linda?
Linda: Oh, gee, I don't think that.

Mr. Danvers: Open up, Lane. I know you're in there.
Lucy: I'm not decent, Mr. Danvers, sir.
Mr. Danvers: And you never will be, either, you little liar.
[to Kara waiting outside]
Mr. Danvers: Well, come on. Come on in. I haven't got all year.
Lucy: No! I'm supposed to have a single this term.
Mr. Danvers: We don't always get what we want, Ms. Lane. Disappointments thicken our skin.
Lucy: Who wants thick skin?

Nigel: Have you been going through my papers?
Linda: Of course not, sir.
Nigel: Then how do you know the correct answer? How?
Linda: I guess I just...
Lucy: It's all this crazy weather we've been having, sir. All the storms. Shock waves, electromagnetism. It makes people smarter than they are for a second. We gotta go, sir.
Linda: [Lucy pulls her out of the room] Oh, boy. Thanks. You know, I gotta learn...
Lucy: How did you know the answer?
Linda: I don't know. Six-dimensional geometry. I never could do it before.
Lucy: Yeah. Well, you want some friendly advice? Don't go showing it off, 'cause nobody's gonna like you.

Linda: [seeing Lucy's poster of Superman] Do you know him?
Lucy: Superman? Sure. My sister's got something going with the big guy. Hey, listen, you can borrow any of my clothes any time you want. Just dig in and help yourself.
Linda: Thank you. You're very kind.
Lucy: He's a real character. A real hunk. I'll introduce you to him someday if we wind up getting along.

Lucy: Listen, you better keep an eye out for Myra now. She's out to get you.
Linda: Me? Why?
Lucy: Because she hates anybody who's not afraid of her.

Nigel: May I presume that whilst you were staring at the wall and not at your terminal like your other little friends here, you were hard at working solving this little equation?
Linda: Oh, yes, sir, I was. I mean, I was...
Nigel: Excellent. The answer, please. Pay attention, class. Ms. Lee is about to enlighten us.
Linda: 5,271,009,010.
Lucy: [the class laughs, and the school bell rings] Come on. Let's get out of here before he makes you stay.

Lucy: Look at that dingleberry.
Linda: What's a dingleberry?

Supergirl: You've had your fun, Selena. The game is finished.
Selena: Hardly. One false step, bluebird, and even if you don't, your friends will get the point.
[Selena lowers three cages over hot spikes coming out of floor]
Jimmy: Hey, no!
Lucy: I don't like this.
Jimmy: Don't worry, Lucy. Don't worry.
Supergirl: I wouldn't, if I were you.
Selena: Well, you're not me.