50 Best Supergirl Quotes

Selena: Goodbye, Nigel.
Bianca: It was nice talking to you, Nigel.
Selena: No, it wasn't.

Selena: Every time! Every time! Send a man to do a woman's job, and that's what you get. Damn her eyes. Who is she?
Bianca: Are you asking me?
Selena: I'm telling you - Find out.
Bianca: Well, sure but, you know, I think I recognize the costume.

Mr. Danvers: Open up, Lane. I know you're in there.
Lucy: I'm not decent, Mr. Danvers, sir.
Mr. Danvers: And you never will be, either, you little liar.
[to Kara waiting outside]
Mr. Danvers: Well, come on. Come on in. I haven't got all year.
Lucy: No! I'm supposed to have a single this term.
Mr. Danvers: We don't always get what we want, Ms. Lane. Disappointments thicken our skin.
Lucy: Who wants thick skin?

Mr. Danvers: Lucy Lee, this is Linda Lane.
Lucy: No, it isn't. She's Linda Lee, and I'm...
Linda: Lucy Lane.
Mr. Danvers: You two know each other?
Linda: Oh, no, we just met.
Mr. Danvers: Really? When?
Lucy: Just now. Though we've known each other for years, haven't we, Linda?
Linda: Oh, gee, I don't think that.

Supergirl: I can't. I can't
Zaltar: You can. On, girl.

Nigel: I have a secret, Selena.
Selena: How exciting for you, Nigel. Best write it down before you forget it.
Nigel: After you left me there in the lurch, I saw something that should worry you greatly if you're serious about over the planet. My secret was blue and red, and it knew how to fly.
Selena: I have a secret, too, Nigel. I have the power. Now, get that through your head. Selena is through worrying. The shoe is on the other foot and it's their turn to worry, all those who mocked me when my chips were down.
Nigel: Oh, I bet they're really in for it now, eh?
Selena: Count on it.

Linda: [seeing Lucy's poster of Superman] Do you know him?
Lucy: Superman? Sure. My sister's got something going with the big guy. Hey, listen, you can borrow any of my clothes any time you want. Just dig in and help yourself.
Linda: Thank you. You're very kind.
Lucy: He's a real character. A real hunk. I'll introduce you to him someday if we wind up getting along.

Nigel: I want to make a very serious proposal.
Selena: In that outfit?

Selena: I'm considering nothing less than world domination.

Selena: Get out of my house, Nigel, and don't come slithering back.
Nigel: Listen, Selena, I'm the only one who can save you from yourself. You *need* me.
Selena: Like an Eskimo needs a lawnmower, kiddo.
Nigel: I'm warning you, Selena. Don't be so shortsighted.

Selena: [about who has greater powers] I can make the sky rain coconuts with pinpoint accuracy, but I still can't control men's minds. Not with her around.

Supergirl: Earth, Zaltar. A tree, a horse. You keep making things from Earth.
Zaltar: The place intrigues me.
Supergirl: Then let's go there.
Zaltar: Certainly. When is the next train?
Supergirl: What is a train?
Zaltar: [laughing]
Supergirl: What's so funny? Don't laugh at me, Zaltar.
Zaltar: I'm only laughing at myself. For you I weep.

Mr. Danvers: Show our new Ms. Lee around, Ms. Lane. Oh, and by the way, she's an orphan. But don't let her play on your sympathies.

Nigel: You girls are rank amateurs playing with fire.
Selena: Because we own the matches.

Ethan: So, uh, where's the lawn at?
Selena: It dropped dead.

Lucy: Listen, you better keep an eye out for Myra now. She's out to get you.
Linda: Me? Why?
Lucy: Because she hates anybody who's not afraid of her.

Mr. Danvers: Now, what did you say your name was? Oh, yes, yes. Linda Lee, huh?
Linda: Yes, my cousin probably wrote you. Um, maybe you got his letter under "K" for "Kent" in your files.
Mr. Danvers: Kent? Kent. It doesn't ring any bells. Doesn't even ring a...
[looking in his cabinet and finding the letter she forged]
Mr. Danvers: Well, here it is, big as life.

Zaltar: Our city has two great power sources. This is one of them. Look.
Kara: An Omegahedron. The Guardians let you have it?
Zaltar: Not exactly. I borrowed it.
Kara: You stole it. Oh, Zaltar, they're going to...
Zaltar: No. Borrowed it, for the afternoon. For inspiration.

Supergirl: You've had your fun, Selena. The game is finished.
Selena: Hardly. One false step, bluebird, and even if you don't, your friends will get the point.
[Selena lowers three cages over hot spikes coming out of floor]
Jimmy: Hey, no!
Lucy: I don't like this.
Jimmy: Don't worry, Lucy. Don't worry.
Supergirl: I wouldn't, if I were you.
Selena: Well, you're not me.

Supergirl: The Omegahedron, Selena. I want it.
Selena: Well, then, Supergirl, you shall have it.

Selena: Such a pretty world. I can't wait until it's all mine.

Lucy: So, who's your cousin?
Linda: Clark Kent.
Lucy: You're kidding me. Clark Kent's your cousin? You're putting me on.
Linda: Do you know him?
Lucy: Do I know him? Does my sister know him? Now, that's the big question.

Selena: Nigel, you are wonderful. Pure genius. You deserve... me. And something else.
[Selena turns him into a ragged man]
Selena: Now let's get out of this dump.

Lucy: Look at that dingleberry.
Linda: What's a dingleberry?

Supergirl: You have no friends, Selena. You treat everyone as if they were put on this Earth to serve you.
Selena: More or less, I think they were. You included.

Nigel: Oh, terrific. The old dangling-in-a-cage routine. Pathetic, Selena.

Bianca: My dear Nigel, the way to a woman's heart is through the elimination of her rivals.

Selena: Power of Shadow, take shape. Look like a vicious dark star. Seek out that wretched young creature and destroy her wherever she... are.
Bianca: Oh, God, that's awful. That's never gonna work.

Nigel: What's going on? Hey, what's going on?
Selena: I've just outgrown you, Nigel. These things happen!
Nigel: You can't treat me like this, Selena. Without me, you'd still be reading tea leaves at Lake Tahoe.

Ethan: You just flew over my head, true or false?
Supergirl: True.
Ethan: Like Superman.
Supergirl: He's my cousin.

Ethan: Say my name aloud but once and I shall die the happy fool. Your soft caress did at once renew the beating of this broken heart.

Bianca: I think you're blowing this thing out of proportion if you want my opinion.
Selena: No, this box is definitely getting bigger... And uglier.
Bianca: All I'm saying is, you can't go nuts over a landscape guy and a teenager in a blue suit.
Selena: She flies. Can you get that through your thick skull and into your tiny little brain, Bianca? The girl can fly.

Zor: You took the Omegahedron.
Zaltar: That's not correct. I lost the Omegahedron.
Kara: Oh, no, Father. I did.
Zaltar: Shh, Kara.
Zor: No matter who. Without it, this city can't survive more than a few days.
Alura: Our lights will grow dim, and the very air we breathe so thin.
Zaltar: I know. So I shall find it. I shall go right to the end of inner space and I shall return it.
Zor: Impossible. How? No one can leave Argo City, and you know it. This is our universe, and you've destroyed it with a game, a childish game.
Zaltar: I think it can be done. Through there. The Binary Chute, in the Traveler.

Nigel: Well, where is it? Where's the little mystery ball? Just let me have a peek. Maybe I can shed some light.
Selena: I hate light.
Nigel: I mean, is it electrical? Is it hot to the touch? Where is it?
Selena: Safe and sound. Go mix. Leave me to my thoughts.
Nigel: Go mix? With these people? You must be mad. Who are they? Wrinkly little wretches.
Selena: These are my foot soldiers, Nigel. My army of the night.

Nigel: Have you been going through my papers?
Linda: Of course not, sir.
Nigel: Then how do you know the correct answer? How?
Linda: I guess I just...
Lucy: It's all this crazy weather we've been having, sir. All the storms. Shock waves, electromagnetism. It makes people smarter than they are for a second. We gotta go, sir.
Linda: [Lucy pulls her out of the room] Oh, boy. Thanks. You know, I gotta learn...
Lucy: How did you know the answer?
Linda: I don't know. Six-dimensional geometry. I never could do it before.
Lucy: Yeah. Well, you want some friendly advice? Don't go showing it off, 'cause nobody's gonna like you.

Selena: People will do anything for love. They'll jump off cliffs for love. They'll drown themselves like lemmings. So... I'll make everybody love me.
Bianca: Oh, no chance. You're an awful person, honey, remember? Forget it.
Selena: Use your imagination, pinhead. That's what magic is all about.

Selena: Don't call me "your sweetness." I am not sweet. I am Selena. And I am a bitter, bitter pill to swallow.

Alura: Zaltar, my husband tells me you talk of leaving Argo City. For where?
Zaltar: Parts unknown. It is, alas, a fact. You and Zor-El have a life here. You have each other, and you have Kara.
Alura: But, Zaltar, you founded this city. It's yours.
Zaltar: As far as the eye can see, right to the veil, smack, and then what? What is beyond? Alura, I cannot contain myself to Argo City only. My head is boiling with ideas. My imagination is too vast. It's uncontrollable.
Alura: If you want my opinion, Zaltar, you're starting to repeat yourself here with all this airy, glittery stuff.
Zaltar: Exactly. That's why I'm going to Venus.
Alura: Venus? When?
Zaltar: Tomorrow. Or the next day, at the latest.
Alura: Zaltar, have you thought about this? It doesn't make sense to me.
Zaltar: I have thought, intensely. My mind is made up.

Bianca: You okay?
Selena: No.
Bianca: You want a hacksaw or something?

Eddie,: You're, uh, Superman's best friend, huh?
Supergirl: No. His cousin. I've come here to search for the Omegahedron. It's a power source vital to Argo City. You see, that's where I live.
Billy,: No kidding. Eddie and me, uh, we're on a secret mission, also. We're out looking for a good time. And you just won the brass ring, baby.

Ethan: What's with the Halloween costume?
Supergirl: This is not a costume. These are my clothes.

[as Kara goes through the Binary Chute]
Alura: She'll be killed.
Zaltar: Oh, no, she won't. She will be safe. Through the binary. Through the warp. Into another register.
Zor: Another what?
Zaltar: Gravitational radiation. A pathway from inner space to outer space.
Alura: Then she'll never be the same, ever.
Zor: At least she'll be alive.
Zaltar: And my fate is sealed. I've lost the Omegahedron. I must be sent to the Phantom Zone. Your suffering will be short. Mine... forever.

Nigel: May I presume that whilst you were staring at the wall and not at your terminal like your other little friends here, you were hard at working solving this little equation?
Linda: Oh, yes, sir, I was. I mean, I was...
Nigel: Excellent. The answer, please. Pay attention, class. Ms. Lee is about to enlighten us.
Linda: 5,271,009,010.
Lucy: [the class laughs, and the school bell rings] Come on. Let's get out of here before he makes you stay.

Lucy: All you need is a couple of streaks and your ears pierced. I could do it for you, it's easy. You just get a needle, heat it up, dab it with some alcohol, and zap! The guys go crazy!
Linda: My ears what?
Lucy: Pierced. Like and you know, I take a needle, and then I heat it up, dab it with some alcohol and, zap, all the guys go crazy.
Linda: Because I have holes in my ears?
Lucy: What, are you putting me on? Sometimes I can't figure you out, Linda.

Selena: [after her magical creation barges through the walls] Next time, remind me to do this outside.

Selena: A word of advice, Nigel. If I had your skin problems, I'd stop bothering people, put a bag over my head and go live under a bridge.
[kicks Nigel]

Nigel: Linda, are you with us?
Linda: Um... Yes, sir, I am.
Nigel: Oh, are you? Where, might I ask?
Linda: Well, here, sir, on Earth.

Selena: Nigel, how long have we been together?
Nigel: Ooh. Months, darling.
Selena: Then why does it seem like years?
Nigel: Because you're so impatient. You want everything yesterday. It takes a lifetime to discover the secrets of black magic from the ancient grimoires.

Mr. Danvers: Since your school records were obviously lost in the mail, you'll have to start at the bottom. It's only fair to the other girls. You'll have English, Latin, math, biology, computing...
Linda: All at once?
Mr. Danvers: ...and chemistry. Idle hands are the devil's playground.

Kara: [about Zaltar's creative illusion] Oh, it is beautiful. What's that gonna be, Zaltar?
Zaltar: I think, a tree.
Kara: A tree. What is a tree?
Zaltar: A lovely thing which grows on Earth.
Kara: Earth? You mean where my cousin went?
Zaltar: And to where one day soon perhaps I might venture as well.
Kara: I don't believe you. How?
Zaltar: In that.
[points to a transportation device]
Zaltar: Through there.
[points to the Binary Chute]
Kara: The Binary Chute? But you could never survive the pressure. It would destroy you...
Zaltar: [interrupting] That I can, zip zap, and I'm gone.
Kara: But you'd never leave us, Zaltar. You'd never leave Argo City.
Zaltar: Indeed I might, Kara. Too much of a good thing here. Perhaps I'll try Saturn instead. Yes, I think I might.
Kara: Saturn is... Is that further away than Earth?
Zaltar: Silly question. Did you not study sixth-dimensional geometry at school? Do they not teach you anything anymore?
Kara: Well, of course they do. Uh, I know the equations. Uh - I just can't see them in my head.
Zaltar: Most great artists find mathematics troublesome, Kara. Only use your imagination. Saturn and Earth are in outer space, but we - we are in inner space.