The Best Supergirl Quotes

Zor: You took the Omegahedron.
Zaltar: That's not correct. I lost the Omegahedron.
Kara: Oh, no, Father. I did.
Zaltar: Shh, Kara.
Zor: No matter who. Without it, this city can't survive more than a few days.
Alura: Our lights will grow dim, and the very air we breathe so thin.
Zaltar: I know. So I shall find it. I shall go right to the end of inner space and I shall return it.
Zor: Impossible. How? No one can leave Argo City, and you know it. This is our universe, and you've destroyed it with a game, a childish game.
Zaltar: I think it can be done. Through there. The Binary Chute, in the Traveler.

Supergirl: I can't. I can't
Zaltar: You can. On, girl.

Ethan: What's with the Halloween costume?
Supergirl: This is not a costume. These are my clothes.

Ethan: You just flew over my head, true or false?
Supergirl: True.
Ethan: Like Superman.
Supergirl: He's my cousin.

Supergirl: You have no friends, Selena. You treat everyone as if they were put on this Earth to serve you.
Selena: More or less, I think they were. You included.

Supergirl: The Omegahedron, Selena. I want it.
Selena: Well, then, Supergirl, you shall have it.

Kara: [about Zaltar's creative illusion] Oh, it is beautiful. What's that gonna be, Zaltar?
Zaltar: I think, a tree.
Kara: A tree. What is a tree?
Zaltar: A lovely thing which grows on Earth.
Kara: Earth? You mean where my cousin went?
Zaltar: And to where one day soon perhaps I might venture as well.
Kara: I don't believe you. How?
Zaltar: In that.
[points to a transportation device]
Zaltar: Through there.
[points to the Binary Chute]
Kara: The Binary Chute? But you could never survive the pressure. It would destroy you...
Zaltar: [interrupting] That I can, zip zap, and I'm gone.
Kara: But you'd never leave us, Zaltar. You'd never leave Argo City.
Zaltar: Indeed I might, Kara. Too much of a good thing here. Perhaps I'll try Saturn instead. Yes, I think I might.
Kara: Saturn is... Is that further away than Earth?
Zaltar: Silly question. Did you not study sixth-dimensional geometry at school? Do they not teach you anything anymore?
Kara: Well, of course they do. Uh, I know the equations. Uh - I just can't see them in my head.
Zaltar: Most great artists find mathematics troublesome, Kara. Only use your imagination. Saturn and Earth are in outer space, but we - we are in inner space.

Supergirl: You've had your fun, Selena. The game is finished.
Selena: Hardly. One false step, bluebird, and even if you don't, your friends will get the point.
[Selena lowers three cages over hot spikes coming out of floor]
Jimmy: Hey, no!
Lucy: I don't like this.
Jimmy: Don't worry, Lucy. Don't worry.
Supergirl: I wouldn't, if I were you.
Selena: Well, you're not me.

Supergirl: Earth, Zaltar. A tree, a horse. You keep making things from Earth.
Zaltar: The place intrigues me.
Supergirl: Then let's go there.
Zaltar: Certainly. When is the next train?
Supergirl: What is a train?
Zaltar: [laughing]
Supergirl: What's so funny? Don't laugh at me, Zaltar.
Zaltar: I'm only laughing at myself. For you I weep.

Zaltar: Our city has two great power sources. This is one of them. Look.
Kara: An Omegahedron. The Guardians let you have it?
Zaltar: Not exactly. I borrowed it.
Kara: You stole it. Oh, Zaltar, they're going to...
Zaltar: No. Borrowed it, for the afternoon. For inspiration.

Eddie,: You're, uh, Superman's best friend, huh?
Supergirl: No. His cousin. I've come here to search for the Omegahedron. It's a power source vital to Argo City. You see, that's where I live.
Billy,: No kidding. Eddie and me, uh, we're on a secret mission, also. We're out looking for a good time. And you just won the brass ring, baby.