The Best Anderson Quotes

Anderson: Never mind that. We found the case. According to *someone*, the murderer has the case, and we found it in the hands of our favorite psychopath.
Sherlock: I'm not a psychopath, Anderson. I'm a high-functioning sociopath. Do your research.

- We can't just wait!
- Oh, we're done waiting.
- Look at her, really look! Houston, we have a mistake. Get on to Cardiff.
- Find out who Jennifer Wilson's family and friends were. Find Rachel!
- Of course, yeah but what mistake?!
- Pink!
Anderson: Let's get on with it...

Sherlock: Linseed oil.
Anderson: Not much use. Doesn't lead us to the kidnapper.
Sherlock: Brilliant, Anderson.
Anderson: Really?
Sherlock: Yes. Brilliant impression of an idiot.

Anderson: I believe in Sherlock Holmes.
DI: Yeah, well, that won't bring him back.

Anderson: So we can read her emails, so what?
Sherlock: Anderson, don't talk out loud. You lower the IQ of the whole street.

Anderson: [after Laura details a conspiracy plot involving Holmes and Moriarty being in love] *What*? Are you out of your mind?
Laura: I don't see why not. It's just as plausible as some of your theories.
Anderson: Look, if you're not going to take it seriously, Laura, you can...
Laura: I do take it seriously. I don't think we should wear hats.
Anderson: I founded the Empty Hearse so like-minded people could meet, discuss theories... Sherlock's still out there. I'm convinced of it.
[the television suddenly breaks the news of Sherlock's reappearance]
Laura: Oh, my God. Oh... my... God!

Sherlock: Ah, Anderson. Here we are again.
Anderson: It's a crime scene. I don't want it contaminated. Are we clear on that?
Sherlock: Quite clear. And is your wife away for long?
Anderson: Oh, don't pretend you worked that out. Somebody told you that.
Sherlock: Your deodorant told me that.
Anderson: My deodorant?
Sherlock: It's for men.
Anderson: Well, of course it's for men! I'm wearing it!
Sherlock: So's Sergeant Donovan.
Sherlock: Ooh... and I think it just vaporised. May I go in?
Anderson: Now, look, whatever you're trying to imply...
Sherlock: I'm not implying anything. I'm sure Sally came round for a nice little chat and just *happened* to stay over. And I assume she scrubbed your floors, going by the state of her knees.

Sherlock: You can't just break into my flat.
DI: And you can't withhold evidence. And I didn't break into your flat.
Sherlock: Well, what do you call this then?
DI: It's a drugs bust.
Dr: Seriously. This guy, a junkie? Have you met him?
Sherlock: John.
Dr: I'm pretty sure you could search this flat all day, and you wouldn't find anything you could call recreational.
Sherlock: John, you probably want to shut up now.
Dr: Yeah, but come on.
Dr: No...
Sherlock: What?
Dr: You?
Sherlock: Shut up!
[to Lestrade]
Sherlock: I'm not your sniffer dog.
DI: No, Anderson's my sniffer dog.
Sherlock: What, A... Anderson, what are you doing here on a drugs bust?
Anderson: Oh, I volunteered.
DI: They all did. They're not strictly speaking *on* the drug squad, but they're very keen.
Sgt: [holding up a jar] Are these human eyes?
Sherlock: Put those back.
Sgt: But they were in the microwave.
Sherlock: It's an experiment.

Anderson: She's German. Rache. German for revenge. She could be trying to tell us something...
Sherlock: Yes, thank you for your input.
[loudly shuts door in Anderson's face]

Sherlock: Neat, don't you think?
Anderson: Hm...
Sherlock: What?
Anderson: Not the way I'd have done it.