The Best Another Mr. Sloane Quotes

Vogel: Mr. Sloane, I'm sorry to report, Mr. Sloane, we didn't recover the manuscript, and Roberts hasn't reported in.
[We see the Sloane clone for the first time]
Another Mr. Sloane: I see, nothing changes, everything proceeds, as planned.

Another Mr. Sloane: [to the real Sloane] The affair in Santiago; I noticed that both Marcus Dixon and Sydney Bristow were in on that mission. It beggars reason to believe that these same two agents would ever agree to work with a man, who killed their loved ones. What's the most logical scenario? That I'm the imposter or that you are?

Another Mr. Sloane: Come on Sydney, how many wars were there last century? How many people died in those wars thru genocide or political repression? We're disgusting; humans. Do we learn from grace, or beauty or what we call God?
Sydney: What were you going to do about it?
Another Mr. Sloane: Suppose one could administer a formula to the general population. That would quietly alter our brain chemistry, exponentially expanding our capacity for qualities like empathy and harmonic co-existence.
Sydney: This formula, how would you administer it?
Another Mr. Sloane: Nothing could be more simple. Do you have any idea how many additives are in our drinking water?