The Best Anthony Russek Quotes

Anthony: This binary was witten by a fifteenth century fortuneteller. How come I've never heard of him?
Arvin: His designs were so advanced, they just assumed he was insane. On some of his drawings, he made lists of part numbers. I.D. numbers of actual technology not manufactured until now. This year. It's real, it's a hunt. This man spent the last ten years of his life working on one project. We don't know whether it's a weapon, a fuel source, a transportation system. Based on the little we do know, its technology is beyond anything we have ever seen.

Arvin: This is Anthony Russett, he's transferring here from Jennings. He's working on the UCO file. You've already met Marshall. This is Sydney Bristow.
Anthony: I know your father.
Arvin: We read the code you recovered. Accordingly, we sent a team to Athens. So, I just got a phone call from SD-3, he said there was no evidence to anything pertaining to Rambaldi. And we were there first. Turns out, we made a giant mistake. But so did K-Directorate.
Marshall: In our rush to decipher the Rambaldi enigma, we misinterpreted the code. It left us with two series of digits. We assumed longitude and latitude. But he was using a compression scheme. I should have seen that. Instead of sending a team to Athens, we should have been headed to Malaga, Spain.
Arvin: Which is where you're going. There's a five-hundred-year-old church sitting on the exact site of Rambaldi's coordinates.
Sydney: What am I looking for?
Arvin: We don't know. The only clue we have, if it is indeed a clue, are two words that were part of a code: Sol d'oro.
Anthony: Golden sun.