The Best Astrid Quotes

Tracy: All of the sudden Medina has a ghetto booty?
Evie: I think she stuffs.
Astrid: That slut ain't got shit compared to these double cheeseburgers.
[shakes her butt]
Medina: Shake it, don't break it, bitch.
Astird: Fuck her.

Tracy: [Tracey walks into the bathroom in a huff and Astrid looks over] So, um, you just wanna go to the boardwalk and sell some shit?
Astrid: [while putting stickers on her face in the mirror] I can't. Um, I'm late for my biology actually and we're doing a play and I'm a mermaid.
Tracy: [raises her eyebrows and walks out of bathroom]
Astrid: [stares into the mirror and keeps applying her makeup]