20 Best Tracy Freeland Quotes

Tracy: [to Mason] Should we talk about how you get stoned every night with Rafa?
Mason: She knows I smoke pot, Tracy. Look at your pupils. You're so fucking busted.

Tracy: He was crippled, but only his body was cracked. It's not simple, nor is it an easy matter to explain. "Let's just leave it at that," she says and closes the holy book of lies. She covers her eyes, denying to herself what she thought happened.

Melanie: [to Tracy] How do you explain $860 in your purse?
Tracy: What do you expect me to say, Mom? We jacked it, okay? It's not like your broke ass ever has any money to give me. Mom, when Brady went to the halfway house, what happened to our phone, our cable? You didn't even know how to pay the bills. It's no wonder Dad didn't want to be with you! You didn't even finish high school!
Melanie: We don't have extra stuff, but we're doing okay. You know we're doing okay. You don't have to steal.
Tracy: Mom, you knew what was going on! You're not that dumb, are you?
Melanie: [shouts] I didn't know it went that far!

Tracy: [to Brooke] So you're a model?
Evie: She's a model-slash-actress.
Brooke: Mmm, slash-bartender who's about to be late for work.

Tracy: Mothers, lock up your sons!

[first lines]
Tracy: Hit me. I'm serious, I can't feel anything, hit me! Again, do it harder! I can't feel anything, this is so awesome!

Evie: [while huffing computer duster] I hear this little wah-wah-wah inside my head...
Tracy: That's your brain cells popping!

Tracy: All of the sudden Medina has a ghetto booty?
Evie: I think she stuffs.
Astrid: That slut ain't got shit compared to these double cheeseburgers.
[shakes her butt]
Medina: Shake it, don't break it, bitch.
Astird: Fuck her.

Tracy: So, Brady, how was the halfway house?
Brady: Same as the last one, Tracy.

[Tracy is on the phone in a tattoo shop]
Tracy: Mom, do you know the difference between point-slope form and slope-intercept form? See, that's why I need to be here at the library. They have tutors.

Tracy: [while outside Mason's open window] Hampton is my baby! He's my baby.
Evie: [while walking in front of the window] Hey, Mason. Move your G-string down South.
[pulls her thong over her shorts while shaking her butt]
Tracy: Dude, no! That is so gross. That's my brother. Oh, my God!
Evie: Maybe I'll marry into the family.

Tracy: [Tracey walks into the bathroom in a huff and Astrid looks over] So, um, you just wanna go to the boardwalk and sell some shit?
Astrid: [while putting stickers on her face in the mirror] I can't. Um, I'm late for my biology actually and we're doing a play and I'm a mermaid.
Tracy: [raises her eyebrows and walks out of bathroom]
Astrid: [stares into the mirror and keeps applying her makeup]

Tracy: [speaking in gibberish] Why does my tongue hurt?
Evie: Maybe because you gave head.

Tracy: Mom, I have to go to the bathroom now!
Melanie: Can't you hold it a minute?
Tracy: That's how you get a bladder infection, you child abuser.
Melanie: That's dramatic.

Tracy: Hey, Mason. Just out of curiosity, who do you think is the hottest girl in school?
Mason: I guess, um, Evie Zamora.
Tracy: Guess who I hung out with today.
Mason: Bull. Melrose Avenue.
Tracy: Melrose Avenue.
[Mason looks at her in awe]
Tracy: What? God, it's that hard to believe?

Mason: Go ahead. Hit me, Tracy. You'll go to jail, you fucking slut!
Tracy: Mom, Mason just called me a slut!

Tracy: [about the pants that Melanie made for her] The fur was thicker at Red Balls.

Tracy: Geez, Mom, why don't you open a hotel? You could get paid for all this shit.

Melanie: [to Tracy] Have you been drinking?
Tracy: No!
Mason: She's always fucking drinking!
Brady: Oh, like you never have!
Melanie: Hey, hey, hey. Come on. You guys!
Brady: Hey, Kayla. What's going on?
[Kayla starts crying]

[last lines]
Tracy: Stop. Stop. Stop. Stop.