The Best Barry Kasparzki Quotes

[Lindy is about to torture Barry]
Lindy: Interesting ball colour. What we calling that? Oxblood? Claret?
Barry Kasparzki: Just like a woman, straight for the nuts!
Lindy: No. I only do that when I'm in a hurry. Although, evolution hasn't really been kind to you guys, putting the on/off switch dangling around in front for any predator to come by and flick!

Barry Kasparzki: Look, even the government, ain't dumb enough to go after Fizel. Are you really that stupid?
Lindy: You know what? I think I am *exactly* that stupid.

[Lindy is straddling the last defeated challenge fighter's neck]
Barry Kasparzki: That's enough! Fight's over! Everybody out!
Lindy: If he had a bigger Adam's apple, this'd be really be working for me.