The Best Beau Garrett Quotes

Thirteen: You're feeling something! What are you feeling?
Valerie: I don't know. But it hurts.
Thirteen: It will.

[trying to escape from the Army compound with the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four are confronted by Captain Raye]
Captain: [pointing her gun at Reed] What's going on here? Where is General Hager?
Reed: He's dead.
Ben: And if we don't get outta here soon... we're all gonna be.
Johnny: [steps forward, a look of pleading on his face] Frankie...
[Captain Raye turns slightly and points her gun at Johnny]
Johnny: The world is literally at stake. You have to trust us... please.
[Captain Raye stares at Johnny a few seconds, then takes her finger off the trigger of her gun]

- But I'd wait about another 10 minutes if you really want your husband to think you're having radiation treatments.
Valerie: Dr. Hadley?
- Are you, by chance, gonna cry?
- 'Cause that's the one
- I just can't do.

Valerie: [to Thirteen] Are you threatened by me?
Thirteen: Not at all.
Valerie: Well, you should be. You let him know what I told you, I will not only have your license pulled, I will sue you for everything I lose in the divorce. So the fun you get out of making those snotty little comments, is it worth $19 million? Oh, wait, will you hold that look? I'm really bad at showing emotions. How's this?

Dr. Gregory House: [to Valerie] Hi, I'm Dr. House. How long have you been a psychopath?
Valerie: [looks at Thirteen] Are you kidding?
Thirteen: He's not.

Thirteen: [to Valerie] You called the medical board?
Valerie: What is she talking about?
Thirteen: Accusations of sexual harassment. You don't think I know it's you?
Dr. Robert Chase: Thirteen, come on.
Thirteen: You already got me fired from the case. What else do you want?
Dr. Eric Foreman: [stands in the doorway] Dr. Hadley. Get out here now.

Valerie: [to Cuddy about Thirteen] Fire her.
Thirteen: What for? You seemed to have lied your way out of any trouble.
Valerie: Until Bill checks up on my cover and I have to create a whole new one to cover that one up. I've done it before, but it's a pain and I would like Dr. Hadley to share that pain.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: She didn't reveal any confidences and she had a valid medical reason to ask about your landscaping class.
Valerie: We can see what a jury says about that.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: And admit to your husband the truth? You're not gonna sue us. We will remove Dr. Hadley from all patient contact.
Thirteen: What?
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: But it's for Dr. Hadley's benefit, not yours. We have no obligation to inflict you on her.
Valerie: Fine.
[to Thirteen]
Valerie: But just so you know, this is not for your benefit. Dr. Cuddy's furious that you put her hospital at risk. She just knows it's a bad idea to admit it in front of me.
Dr. Lisa Cuddy: Think what you want. By the way, your orderly's outside, but I'd wait about another ten minutes if you really want your husband to think you're having radiation treatments.
[leaves the room]
Valerie: [as Thirteen is about to leave the room] Dr. Hadley, are you by chance gonna cry? 'Cause that's one I just can't do.

Valerie: [to House] So if your conscience is just an animal instinct, you don't need to follow it. I think you realize that. That's why you're talking to me.

Valerie: I'm not so different than anybody else. Everyone I've ever known: my family, my classmates, the people I work with. They're all out for themselves. Difference is, I could admit it to myself.
Thirteen: She kind of reminds me of someone I know.
Dr. Gregory House: Tell me about it.

Gina: [handing Cooper a picture of Jane] I think you should have this.
Sam: Why? What, you're profiling me now?
Gina: Her mom gave it to me. I think it's time you have a reminder that trusting your gut has a happy ending.

[Captain Raye is waiting for a military carpool, outside a dance club, after assisting General Hager's meeting with Reed Richards]
Johnny: [saunters out of club, offering to shake hands] John Storm - Fantastic Four, Incorporated.
[Captain Raye turns to face Johnny, then quickly turns away, ignoring his outstretched hand]
Johnny: You ever done any professional modeling?
Captain: Not interested.
Johnny: 'Cause you got an amazing complexion.
Captain: [louder] Not interested.
[Captain Raye enters SUV, and glares at Johnny]
Johnny: [impressed] Wow, and you...
[SUV drives off, tires screeching away]
Johnny: ...just walked away. I was definitely still talking.