Top 20 Quotes From Johnny Storm

Johnny: [to Dr. Doom] To quote a friend of mine: "It's cloberrin' time!"

Johnny: I could catch him, but he's too strong for me.
Ben: I could whale on him, but he'd see me from a mile away.
Reed: It would take all four of us.
Johnny: Or maybe one of us.
Reed: We don't know what that would do to you!
Johnny: Let's not make this about me.

Johnny: Are you building that thing?
Reed: No, it...
Johnny: [chuckles] If Sue finds out, you're gonna get an invisible kick in the nuts.

Johnny: [Johnny notices a Dodge logo on the Fantasticar] A hemi?
Reed: Of course!

Johnny: You know, don't look completely ridiculous in that dress.
Susan: Is that obnoxious brother talk for "You look kind of nice"?
Johnny: You look beautiful.
Susan: Thank you.
[Johnny slowly approaches Sue, looking her up and down. Finally he smiles]
Johnny: Dad would be proud.

Johnny: We wouldn't even be in this position if I wasn't such a complete screw up.
Ben: Hey, you're not a complete screw-up. A 'partial' screw-up, maybe.
Johnny: Thanks.
Ben: Look, there's nothing you and me can do now. It's all up to the eggheads.
Johnny: You think Reed's right? That this might really be the end of the world?
Ben: He's never wrong about stuff like this.
Johnny: [after a long silence] You know, I'm not a very deep kinda guy...
Ben: [mocking Johnny's attempt at a sincere tone] No?
Johnny: I'm just saying,
[lowers voice]
Johnny: if we can't stop this, if it's really the end of the world... how are you going to spend your last few minutes?
Ben: [stares into his empty pitcher and thinks about the question] Part of me would like to go out fighting.
[pauses for a second]
Ben: But to tell you the truth, I think I'd like to spend my last few minutes holding onto Alicia.
Johnny: [absentmindedly] That sounds good to me.
[notices Ben's jealous stare, realizes what he said, and tries to backtrack; he begins to stammer]
Johnny: Not holding onto Alicia, because she's your girlfriend, not mine. I have no interest in her whatsoever.
[sees Ben's look getting worse]
Johnny: Not that she's not attractive, because she is. 'So' attractive. I mean, who wouldn't want to...
[the glass pitcher shatters in Ben's hand]
Johnny: What I meant, is that it's just nice to have somebody.
Ben: Well, you got me pal.

[trying to escape from the Army compound with the Silver Surfer, the Fantastic Four are confronted by Captain Raye]
Captain: [pointing her gun at Reed] What's going on here? Where is General Hager?
Reed: He's dead.
Ben: And if we don't get outta here soon... we're all gonna be.
Johnny: [steps forward, a look of pleading on his face] Frankie...
[Captain Raye turns slightly and points her gun at Johnny]
Johnny: The world is literally at stake. You have to trust us... please.
[Captain Raye stares at Johnny a few seconds, then takes her finger off the trigger of her gun]

[Captain Raye is waiting for a military carpool, outside a dance club, after assisting General Hager's meeting with Reed Richards]
Johnny: [saunters out of club, offering to shake hands] John Storm - Fantastic Four, Incorporated.
[Captain Raye turns to face Johnny, then quickly turns away, ignoring his outstretched hand]
Johnny: You ever done any professional modeling?
Captain: Not interested.
Johnny: 'Cause you got an amazing complexion.
Captain: [louder] Not interested.
[Captain Raye enters SUV, and glares at Johnny]
Johnny: [impressed] Wow, and you...
[SUV drives off, tires screeching away]
Johnny: ...just walked away. I was definitely still talking.

Johnny: [about Alicia and Ben having sex] I'd hate to wake up one morning and find out she was killed in a rockslide!
Ben: I'll show you a rockslide!
[chases Johnny]

Reed: Your encounter with the Surfer has affected your molecules. They're... in a constant state of flux.
Johnny: Is that bad?
Reed: Well, it caused you to temporarily switch powers with Sue. Ideally, I'd like to run some more tests.
Ben: [walks toward Johnny] Would you like a volunteer?
Reed: No, no, no!
Johnny: No, no! Hey! This is serious.
Ben: I just wanted to give him a hug.
Susan: We don't know the extent of his condition yet.
Reed: It could be progressive. It could be degenerative.
Ben: It could be fun!
[Ben touches Johnny and their powers switch]
Reed: No, Ben!
Susan: Ben!
Ben: Whoa! Hey! Hey, it's me. I'm back!
Johnny: [looks at his reflection from the bottom of a silver pitcher and sees he's become The Thing] Oh, my God! Come on! We just said this is serious!
Ben: Oh, yeah, serious.
Johnny: [looks back at his reflection] Oh, you got to be kidding me!

General: [to Reed] Let me make this clear for you and your pack of freaks. I'm the quarterback, you're on my team. But I guess you didn't play football in high school, did you, Richards?
[Hager starts to walk away]
Reed: You're right. I didn't. I stayed in and studied like a good little nerd. And fifteen years later, I'm one of the greatest minds of the 21st century. I'm engaged to the hottest girl on the planet. And the big jock who played football in high school, he standing right in front of me asking me for my help, and I say he's not going to get a damn thing, unless he does exactly what I say and starts treating me and my friends with some respect.
General: [understandingly] Give him what he wants.
[Hagar walks away]
Susan: [to Reed] I'm so hot for you right now.
Johnny: [hugging Reed and switching powers] Me, too!

Johnny: [trying to convince Reed to make a bachelor party] Then do it for Ben. It means a lot to the big guy. You're gonna break his heart. He does have some sort of rock-like heart, doesn't he?

Reed: [the Silver Surfer's in the distance] Johnny!
Johnny: [touching his tux] But this is Dolce.

Johnny: Flame on!
[goes invisible]

[flying alongside the Surfer]
Johnny: I thought you could use a hand!

Johnny: [describing the Silver Surfer] It looked like a man, but completely covered in silver, and he was flying on this, like... like, a surfboard- type thing. I know that sounds crazy.
Ben: [sarcastically] Oh, no, not at all.
Ben: So, did you follow the magic man to Lollipop Land or the Rainbow Junction?
Johnny: Look, I know what I saw!

[Silver Surfer grabs the Human Torch by the throat]
Johnny: [in a strangled voice] Can we talk?

Johnny: Semper Fi!
Lieutenant: Uh, that's the Marine Corps. We are the Army.

[last lines]
Ben: Heads up, Johnny!
[Johnny sees Frankie trying to catch the bouquet and destroys it with a blast of fire]
Johnny: Sorry. Reflex.

[seeing Galactus for the first time]
Johnny: Oh my God...
[falls to Earth out of shock]