The Best The Silver Surfer Quotes

The: Treasure each moment with her and tell her she's right, we do have a choice.

[to Doom]
The: All that you know, is at an end.

Susan: Why are you trying to destroy us?
The: I am not the destroyer.

The: My name was Norrin Radd.

The: [flying into Galactus] I will no longer serve. This is the end for us both.

Susan: Guys, we have a problem! He's here!
Reed: Sue, get out of there!
Susan: Why are you trying to destroy us?
The: I have no choice.
Susan: There's always a choice.
The: Not always!

The: [restrained in the lab] I know you are there.
Susan: [appears] What's your name?
[the Surfer doesn't answer]
Susan: Come on. You must have a name. I'm Susan.
[the Surfer still does not answer]
Susan: You said you weren't the one trying to destroy our world. Then who is?
The: The One I serve.
Susan: Who do you serve?
[No response]
Susan: Look, I'm trying to help you. But in order to do that, you have to tell me the truth. Please.
[the image of a ruined world appears on his stomach]
The: It is known by many names. My people called it... Galactus, the devourer of worlds. It must feed on energy to survive, both thermal and organic.
Susan: How could you willingly serve this thing?
The: Because I must.
Susan: Doesn't it bother you? All the worlds and innocent people you've helped destroy?
The: My service spares my world, and the one I love.
Susan: Why did you try to protect me?
The: Because you remind me of her.