The Best Bella Quotes

General: [in Russian; subtitled] What is a "Wolverine"?
Colonel: [in Russian] A small animal, like a badger, but terribly ferocious. It is also the name of the local sports collective.
General: [in Russian] They're beasts, Ernesto. You must kill every one of them eventually. It's the same as Afghanistan. They'll never stop.

Colonel: [in the now-occupied Calumet, Colorado]
[in Russian; subtitled]
Colonel: Look, I was always on the side of the insurgents. I have no experience in these matters, but it would seem necessary to win the support of the people. As our opponents used to say in Vietnam: "Win their hearts and minds."
General: [in Russian] And they lost, Ernesto... Morale is crucial right now. Keep the men in the secured areas. You'll see how they forget about these "Wolverines."
Colonel: [Toni blows up a nearby "Soviet-American Friendship Center."]
[in Russian]
Colonel: You were saying, Comrade?
General: [in Russian] Oh, shut up!

KGB: Do you want to see me?
Colonel: Yes... yes. Go to the sporting goods store. From the files obtain forms 4473. These will contain descriptions of weapons, and lists of private ownership.

Colonel: [writing a letter to his family back home]
[in Spanish; voice-over]
Colonel: I can't remember what it was to be warm. It seems a thousand years since I was a small boy in the sun. How did I come to this high, desolate place where there is nothing but loneliness? So much is lost. I want to look into your eyes and forget. It all seems so far away: a warm house where my shadow never falls; your long, black hair in my hands. There is no more revolution, only you to come back to. I will post my resignation from the Cuban Army.

Mayor: [in Mayor Bates' office, where he is being questioned by Colonel Bella] Daryl, he wouldn't hurt a fly. I know my son, Colonel. He's not the guerrilla type.
Colonel: According to records, Mayor... your son is a prominent student leader.
Mayor: Yes, well... he's a leader, but not in a violent or physical way. You see, Daryl... he's more of a politician, like his father.
Colonel: A member of an elite paramilitary organization: "Eagle Scouts."
Mayor: Yes, but that's not military. If he's alive, he's scared, he's hungry... and he's just as anxious to avoid conflicts as you and me. He's not a troublemaker.
Colonel: Then who is?
Mayor: ...It runs in some of the families.
Colonel: [to an aide-de-camp] This community is indeed fortunate to have a shepherd like him.
Mayor: Well, I just want to see this thing through, Colonel.