The Best Mr. Eckert Quotes

Tom: Boys.
Matt: Daddy. Dad.
Tom: Don't talk. Don't say anything. Let me look at ya. I knew I was right. I knew it. You're alive. I was tough on both of you. I did things that made you, made you hate me sometimes. You understand now, don't you?
Jed: What happened, dad? Why are you here? What'd you do?
Tom: It doesn't matter. One way or another, for one reason or another, we're all gone. It's all gone. Remember. Remember when you used to go in the park and play, and I used to put you two on the swings? Both of you were so damn little.
Jed: I remember. I remember all of it.
Tom: Well, I won't be there to pick you up when you fall now. Both of you have to take care of each other now.
Matt: We'll never see you again, dad.
Tom: Yes you will. I don't want to hear that, Maddy.
Matt: What happened to mom, dad? Where is she?
Tom: She's not here. I don't know where they took her. You can't afford to be crying anymore now. I don't want either one of you to ever cry for me again. Don't ever do it. Not as long as you live.
Robert: Where's my dad, Mr. Eckert? Is he here?
Tom: I don't know, son. I don't know. You all get going. Get out before they find you.
Jed: Dad, I love you.
Tom: I know you do, son. I love you too.
[Tom, Jed, and Robert Leave]
Tom: Boys! Avenge Me! Avenge Me!

Tom: Boys! Avenge me! Avenge me!

Tom: [at the Calumet Drive-in, which is now a Communist "re-education camp"] Remember when you used to go in the park and play... and I used to put you on the swings... and both of you were... so damn little?
Jed: I remember. I remember all of it.
Tom: [to Jed and Matt] I ain't gonna be around to pick you up when you fall now. Both of you gotta take care of each other now.