The Best Ben Quotes

[in a poker round]
Counselor: It seems to me that you and Lavelle are a lot alike.
Commander William T. Riker: What? We're not at all alike!
Doctor: You're bluffing.
[in another poker round]
Sam: You think so?
Ben: Yes. And I'm not gonna let you get away with it.

[Lavelle, Taurik and Ben are observing Worf and Sito talking]
Sam: What could they be talking about?
Taurik: Have you ever considered learning to lip-read?
Sam: You think Worf's chewing her out?
Ben: No, he always looks like that.

Ben: How about some blackjack?
Sam: Uh, I've gotta get some sleep, so I can be sharp tomorrow.
Ben: Why? So you can get promoted, have more responsibility and have to get to sleep even earlier?

[last lines]
Ben: Excuse me, sir, but I need to move this table.
Lieutenant: What?
Ben: [indicating the table occupied by Lavelle, Taurik and Ogawa] There's an empty seat over there.
Lieutenant: I appreciate what you're trying to do. But it is not appropriate. You were her friends. I was only her commanding officer.
Ben: Sir - I happen to know that she considered you a friend.
[Worf ponders this, then gets up and joins the other friends at their table]

- I've been thinking about who to promote to ops.
- The new night-duty officer?
- Mm-hm.
- Lavelle is an obvious candidate, but I'm also considering ensign sito.
- Thank you.
Ben: You're welcome.
- Are you sure about dessert?
- Yes. Don't tempt me.

- Come in.
- Crusher: Ben. What are you doing here?
- I just cleaned out some junior officers, and I thought I'd do the same here.
- You're welcome to give it a try.
- Pull up a chair.
Ben: Thanks.

Taurik: [of Lavelle] He's convinced Commander Riker doesn't like him.
Ben: [to Lavelle] Why, did you crash the ship into something?

Commander William T. Riker: [at the poker game in Commander Riker's quarters] Come in.
Counselor: Ben, what are you doing here?
Ben: I just cleaned out some junior officers and I thought I'd do the same here.
Commander William T. Riker: You're welcome to give it a try.