The Best Bill Standall Quotes

Alex: [after Alex's parents find out he ditched school] I'm sorry, okay?
Deputy: Sorry isn't gonna cut it. You haven't even been back less than a week and you're already skipping school.
Carolyn: Okay, Bill. Every 17-year-old kid skips a couple of classes now and then.
Deputy: Well, if he's ever gonna be a normal 17-year-old kid again, he's gotta put in the work. That's all.
Alex: I'm sorry I'm not fucking normal!

Carolyn: [to Bill about Alex] You need to ease up on him. He's trying, okay?
Deputy: Well, he needs to try harder 'cause he's got to get better. He has to get better.
Carolyn: If he doesn't... if this is as far as he gets, you've got to stop blaming yourself.
Deputy: Why? It was my gun.

Deputy: [to Alex] Hey, buddy.
Alex: Hey, Dad.
Deputy: So, your mom isn't too happy about you going back to school tomorrow.
Alex: Well, I have to go back with Jessica. We promised we'd go back together and she's going back tomorrow.
Deputy: Okay, but we were thinking more like a week, maybe two?
Alex: Dad, it has to be now.
Deputy: 'Cause of the trial?
Alex: Yeah. And I know people have been talking about me for months now.
Deputy: Who's been talking?
Alex: It's a small town, Dad. I can't even go outside without people looking at me or talking about what I did, or what Hannah did and I failed to do. And I'm sick of hiding from them all.
Deputy: You're not hiding from anyone. You're recuperating.
Alex: I can still do that. Just out there. And Hannah's trial means people are finally gonna hear her story, and I want to help tell it.