The Best Devin Druid Quotes

Tyler: [to Monty] I want an apology.
Montgomery: What?
Tyler: I want you to say you're sorry for what you did.
Montgomery: No idea what you're talking about.
Tyler: Say you're sorry or I'll take you down, and Taylor and Kenneth.
Montgomery: Yeah? What about Bryce? Are you gonna take him down?
Tyler: Bryce?
Montgomery: Come on, you remember. No one did anything at this school without him saying go. You think you're going to get an apology out of him?
Tyler: He told you to do it?
Montgomery: And he's gone, right? Out of your life. Ty-Ty, nothing happened to you that hasn't happened to a hundred guys. It's nothing. Get over it.

Tyler: [to Alex and Clay] What are you doing?
Alex: I'm recruiting Clay for the Illuminati. You want to join?
Tyler: Alex, you should not joke about the Illuminati, first of all. Trust me.

Tyler: This trial going forward, it affects the whole town. We have to think about it all over again, how Hannah lived and how she died. And how it changed all our lives.

Tyler: Just because you have the picture doesn't mean you have the whole story.

Tyler: Hey, Clay.
Clay: Go away, Tyler.
Tyler: You know, I get that a lot.

Courtney: If we don't get our stories straight before these depositions, it's bad for all of us.
Alex: But what is the story exactly?
Courtney: Hannah was a liar. She was jealous and needy and emotionally unstable. She thought everyone was out to get her.
Tyler: Aren't you describing yourself?

Tyler: It's been five months since Hannah Baker killed herself. We never thought this trial would happen. We thought we could move on, but when I got called to testify, it made me realize we can't just move on.

Tyler: Jesus, Clay, what are you doing in here?
Clay: Just seeing what our prize-winning photographer is working on.
[looks at Tyler's photos]
Clay: Interesting stuff.
Tyler: Well, no, don't. This is all for yearbook only. You're not supposed to be here.
Clay: Really? You're gonna call me out on trespassing? I heard your tape.
Tyler: And throwing a rock through my window isn't enough?
Clay: I didn't throw one.
Tyler: So, what do you want, then?
Clay: I want you to delete the photos you took. Destroy the negatives, whatever or I'm turning you in.
Tyler: Turning me in? What, are you gonna turn everybody in? Like Justin and Alex?
Clay: You stalked her.
Tyler: I'm the student life photographer, okay? I stalk everybody. It's my job.
Clay: That means you stand outside everyone's windows?

Clay: [when Tyler plans to shoot up the school dance] Tyler, listen. You don't get out of this alive. And I don't want you to die. I... I don't want you to die. If you think this is the way, if you really think this'll change a goddamn thing and not just be another fucking tragedy that adults cry about for a week and then forget, if you really think this is gonna be different, then do what you gotta do. Come on, Tyler. Please?
Tyler: There's nothing else I can do.
Clay: There is. We'll figure it out. Okay? I swear.

Tyler: [to Clay] I was in the bathroom when I got back from my diversion program. Monty came in and he was mad about the field and he smashed my head on the mirror and on the sink. And then, he and Taylor and Kenneth, they held my head in the toilet. And Monty... he got a mop, and he pulled my pants down, and he put it in me. And he pushed it in my hole, and in and out until I was bleeding, and they left me on the floor.
[starts crying]
Clay: Oh, Jesus. Tyler. Tyler, I am so sorry that happened to you. I feel like... I feel like I want to hug you right now. Would that be all right if I hug you?
Tyler: Mmm-hmm.
[Clay hugs Tyler as he cries]

Tyler: [to Tyler] I'm not a criminal.
Clay: You are. And you're a creep.
Tyler: I just took pictures.
Clay: You humiliated her.
Tyler: I didn't mean to.
Clay: You ruined her.
Tyler: I loved her! And I know I barely knew her, but I... I saw her. Most people, you put a camera on them and they smile. They pose. They basically fake it. You don't see them, you see their mask. Whenever my camera was on Hannah, she was different. Like, real, and I fell in love with that. Real. So, yeah, I took pictures of her, but that's because girls like that don't hang out with the yearbook guy. With me.

Tyler: What the hell, Clay? That picture's all over school.
Clay: Yeah, that can happen, can't it?
Tyler: What are you trying to do?
Clay: Anything. I'm trying to do something, anything which is more than any of you did.

Tyler: Open the fucking door.
Bryce: Tyler?
[closes his laptop and opens the door where Tyler is holding a gun on him]
Tyler: Get back!
Bryce: Jesus, Tyler!
Tyler: Shut up. Get back!
Bryce: Dude, what the fuck is going on?
Tyler: Did you know? About Monty, did you know?
Bryce: What about Monty?
Tyler: He said nothing happened at Liberty without you knowing. Is that true?
Bryce: Not anymore. What did Monty do to you? Jesus, Tyler, what did he do?
Tyler: He said he didn't do shit without you telling him to.
Bryce: Monty did a bunch without me telling him to. He went off the rails last year, dude. The trial, the whole Hannah thing, it all freaked him out. What is this about?
Tyler: You know about Spring Fling, right? You saw what I almost did? Are you gonna tell anyone? The police?
Bryce: I talked to the police that night. I didn't say anything and I'm not going to.
Tyler: Why? Why wouldn't you?
Bryce: Why would I?
Tyler: Because you hate me!
Bryce: I don't hate you. Justin helped you, and I have hurt Justin enough in this life. So, I'm not gonna narc on him now.
Tyler: So, it was for Justin?
Bryce: Those guys saved you, man. That's decent. Maybe I'd like to think someone would do that for me.
Tyler: No. No, we're not the same. You hurt people. I didn't.
Bryce: Aren't you here to hurt me now?
Bryce: So, do it, man. Seriously. If it'll make you feel better, go ahead. You'd be doing me a favor.
Tyler: You don't want to die.
Bryce: Come on, dude. You could kill the monster. This town would celebrate. You're right, I hurt people. I don't get to start over 'cause no one's gonna let me. So, go ahead. Shoot me.

Tyler: Sorry, but is dancing on someone's grave really the way to show we're the bigger people here?
Casey: I'm sorry, did you just tell the only actual sexual assault victims in the room how we should be running our club?
Tyler: No, I was just...
Casey: Good. Because, you know, allies are welcome and all, but be a fucking ally.

Tyler: This fucking trial is a fucking joke. Marcus said Hannah was in love with Bryce, which is a fucking lie. I tell the truth, I get endless shit.

Tyler: [after Tyler and Cyrus make t-shirts for their class] And how does this not make us more likely to be the targets of abuse and ridicule?
Cyrus: Because it's like claiming the word as our own. Reappropriation. Like saying, "We're the assholes, so don't fuck with us."
Tyler: Okay, yeah, sort of like our superhero outfits, right? Like, "It's a bird, it's a plane, it's the Assholes." It's us.
Cyrus: Yeah. Just maybe don't say that.

Tyler: I don't understand how it is that I'm always getting screwed with, but I'm the one that gets sent to the office?
Kevin: Well, let's start with what is it that you can do to protect yourself? What is anything you're doing that might provoke kids?
Tyler: Are you serious? That's convenient. Blame the victim.
Kevin: No, no one's blaming anyone.
Tyler: Okay, well, maybe we should be. You should be blaming the kids that make this school a terrible place. You should be blaming the kids that make other kids want to kill themselves.
Kevin: Are you referring to Hannah Baker?
Tyler: What do you think?