The Best Montgomery de la Cruz Quotes

Clay: Hey! Monty!
Montgomery: Didn't they arrest you yet?
Clay: No, but I hope they'll be coming for you.
Montgomery: The fuck does that mean?
Clay: Where were you after Homecoming? Did Bryce talk to you after the game? Did something happen?
Montgomery: What are you talking about? I was with the boys all night. We got shit-faced at Charlie's. Cops already checked into it. I'm all good. You're the one who's in trouble.
Clay: But I didn't do anything, and I know you did.
Montgomery: Yeah? Well, what the fuck did I do?
[scoffs at Clay]
Montgomery: If you're trying to clear your name, you need to look a little closer to home. You know Bryce and Justin went at it that night?
Clay: You don't know what you're talking about.
Montgomery: You think you know him, but he's playing you, like he played Bryce. It's what he does and he's going to play you right to jail.
Clay: You are so full of shit!
Montgomery: Your boy Justin, he shaves with electric, right?
Clay: I think so. Why?
Montgomery: Then why has he got a can of shaving cream in his bag? Ha! You should check that shit out.

Alex: [to Montgomery] You went a long way for Bryce. He'd sell you out to save his own ass in a heartbeat. You know that, right?
Montgomery: Know what I got, Alex? I got my friends, I got the team. That's it. I don't get to be all sad, boo-hoo, my friend died. I'm gonna put a bullet in my head so the world feels sorry for me.
[Alex moves the gun towards him]
Montgomery: Jesus, you wave that gun around like I give a shit. I don't, man. If I sell out Bryce or lie, either way, my whole life falls apart. I got no one else on my side. I can't run home. That team's my home. Going to playoffs, winning state, being an athlete, that's not about fun for me. It's about survival. It's all I got. It's everything. So you wanna shoot me? Shoot me.

Montgomery: [to Bryce] Fucking Tyler Down is back.
Bryce: So?
Montgomery: So, I wanna break his head open.
Bryce: Yeah, that's a great idea at this particular time.
Montgomery: The field, the thing with Marcus. He cost us our season. We need to do something.
Bryce: We are not gonna do a goddamn thing. I'm on probation.
Montgomery: Right, I know. I got you. I'll take care of it.
Bryce: Your father didn't beat you hard enough 'cause you're still a fucking idiot. The last time you tried to help, you almost fucked up my whole plea deal.
Montgomery: Well, none of it came back to you.
Bryce: No one was gonna believe I didn't know about all the shit that you did. I had to give you my goddamn lawyer. I would've taken the fall if I had to. I kept you clean. What did you think would happen if you killed Clay Jensen in my car?
Montgomery: I knew those kids could fuck everything up for us and they did.
Bryce: Well, you helped.
Montgomery: I... tell me what you want me to do. Okay? I'll make it right.
Bryce: I want you to leave it alone and leave me alone. We're done.

Montgomery: How is it when my dad beats the shit out of me, I'm the one who gets arrested?

Montgomery: Charlie, who would you trust to have your back: me or that faggot Padilla?
Charlie St. George: Wait, Tony Padilla's a fag?
Zach: Charlie! Be better, shut your mouth and listen. You got five days to learn an offense.

Alex: [to Monty] Leave Tyler alone.
Montgomery: Or what?
Alex: Or I'll hurt you.
Montgomery: Haven't we done this already, Standall? What are you going to do? You gonna run to daddy?
Alex: No, I can take care of myself.
Montgomery: Why do you fucking care about Tyler? Oh, wait, are you actually fucking?
Alex: [as he pulls out a knife] If you speak to him again, I'll open you up and watch you bleed.
Montgomery: You're a crazy motherfucker.

Tyler: [to Monty] I want an apology.
Montgomery: What?
Tyler: I want you to say you're sorry for what you did.
Montgomery: No idea what you're talking about.
Tyler: Say you're sorry or I'll take you down, and Taylor and Kenneth.
Montgomery: Yeah? What about Bryce? Are you gonna take him down?
Tyler: Bryce?
Montgomery: Come on, you remember. No one did anything at this school without him saying go. You think you're going to get an apology out of him?
Tyler: He told you to do it?
Montgomery: And he's gone, right? Out of your life. Ty-Ty, nothing happened to you that hasn't happened to a hundred guys. It's nothing. Get over it.